DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

@|ngenius: a very wise man (alfred, btw) once said to me: "it is quite hard to get to know someone more and more without seeing his/her limitations pretty soon". i understand your desire to dig something good (or at least entertaining) out of the people you might have a chance to hang out with, and i understand that often those shrouded in mistery hint at mental landscapes they're not unveiling while the only reason for this is that they're actually not there.
but if you're not noticing something really enticing from the start i'd suggest staying out of steady relationships.

@violet baudelaire: surely i'm not going to the library on my free time since they pretty much pay me to work here 36 hours a week. :D but yes, i understand what you mean about being more open. the point is with my current lifestyle i don't really have a chance to smile at people other than my co-workers (who are mostly men, and past their prime, as it were). since we're basically just telling stuff while we wait for any advice, here's my typical working day: i get up at 7:00 am, i drive to work, park my car and get inside. in my office i spend 6 to 9 hours working, talking with my co-workers and posting/taking care of things here. there's the odd moment when i'm needed upstairs and i meet a few students, mostly girls, but i'd find it... eerily spooky or lecherous to ask a girl out after she requested my professional intervention. then let's say i get out at 2:00 pm (which is not always the case): i drive home, turn on my pc and get back to work translating stuff or writing reviews or something. then i have dinner and i'm faced with the choice of going out or staying home for the evening. given the fact that by the time this happens i'm tired and i've got a headache, i often decide i'm better off staying in, or at least getting back early. in addition to that, i don't know who i might ask out for a beer: hyena is in rome, and most of the people i talk to during the day live, say, in spain, the states, greece, or mexico, of all places. :p i mainly see two guys from my town, but one of them is often busy studying at night, and the other needs to be coerced into going out by the prudent use of force. so i'm not really sure who could be the recipient of my smiles and chit-chats.
as for joining groups, i don't have anything against some of them per se. i'm not a religious individual either, but i can see the good religious groups do for their members - some groups at least - even though they just might be looking for company regardless of the framework. i just instinctively reject seeing more than 4-5 people at once, especially if i don't know them well. this is not because of some pre-pubescent feeling of "not-fitting-in" (i'm well aware that i know how to get attention at a meeting), it's just that i don't want to waste my time nodding politely while half a dozen of people cautiously remarks on sweet nothings in order not to upset a balance of formality, or maybe showing a familiarity among themselves that i do not share.
again, pretty useless but i made you spend 5 minutes reading. ;)

rahvin said:
"it is quite hard to get to know someone more and more without seeing his/her limitations pretty soon".

(...) Bla, bla, dwarfish speech here, bla, bla (...)

"and the other needs to be coerced into going out by the prudent use of force"

Firstly of all, I do agree with the wise and barely visible butler. But my question is: So what? Of course, the more you know about someone, the more you know about his/her personality and its boundaries, but it is not necessarily bad or disappointing. You surely know about hyena's "limitations", but you find useful resources inbetween, and these "personality boundaries" will change over the years.

And talking about ckicken-dragon-butlers. I can guess the secret identity of the coarced one. ;)

Due to my non-existent success in a social field, and the fact I want to improve my language skills, and my experience, and some other things, I will get abroad to open new doors and know what life might offer there. If I stop fighting for my own conception of "happiness", I wouldn't have the right to complain, so I try to do my best here, and grow up in both professional and personal sides abroad (perhaps Ireland, and someone invited me to get to Italy too). Since FatherVic is living in Greece, I see nobody here, neither coarced ones, nor non-sleepers students.

Today, however, I have some italian "guests" here. Atlantis has to give me a bell and let's see what we can do tonight. I hope Barcelona will be a nicer place with her there. :)

@|ngenius: i think that some people have far stricter limitations while those of others are definitely wider. my point was that the sooner you see the limitations, the likelier you are to be disappointed after your scavenger hunt. ;) and if you tell me some of your ex's limits were manifest to you even before getting together with her, i'm driven to try and dissuade you from being in such a situation ever again.
oh, and of course the only italian guest you need is me. do not be fooled by other self-appointed ambassadors for this nation: true freedom and friendship between people shall only come with me. :)

@Kovenant: I'm happy for you. :)

@rahvin; |ng: You both underestimate the black dragon. ;)

Hm, perhaps our boundaries are not precisely defined, but instead could be somehow bent and shaped by the people we interact with.

On another note, my stuborness has been awaken, and since i don't like doing the first step in meeting guys, i'm determined to make someone talk to me by the end of the semester. :heh:
Siren said:
On another note, my stuborness has been awaken, and since i don't like doing the first step in meeting guys, i'm determined to make someone talk to me by the end of the semester. :heh:

ok. you won. :p

about alfred, i don't underestimate him at all. i know he's a journeyman deep inside. ;) i'd just like him to be so on a daily basis.

@rahvin: I didn't mean you, you already talk to me. :p

about alfred, i'd suggest you to use other ways to achieve your goal, but in the end i guess only a siren could be gifted enough to bring the journeyman he hides deep inside, on the surface. [j/k] :grin: :grin: :grin:
Siren said:
@rahvin: I didn't mean you, you already talk to me. :p

so you take me for granted, uh? :Smug:

alfred does go out with me a little more often than usual, but he insists on us visiting the same club every time just because it's close to where i live. next time we go out for the night i'll give you a phone call, get him on the line, then you convince him we change our destination, to - say - somewhere on the other side of the mediterranean. ;)

rahvin said:
so you take me for granted, uh? :Smug:
After the last few months, not really.. ;)

alfred does go out with me a little more often than usual, but he insists on us visiting the same club every time just because it's close to where i live. next time we go out for the night i'll give you a phone call, get him on the line, then you convince him we change our destination, to - say - somewhere on the other side of the mediterranean. ;)
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
@Mr. Popu... er... "Official Ambassador of the Glorious Italian Nation": :lol: Maybe you wanted to express that, but you did not. :grin: I got the point, but well, who am I to judge with my pre-clear mind the tight limitations the others apparently "suffer"? That thought impels me to give a second, third, and more chances to people who supposedly are not my cup of tea. And I do it in order to make the valuable things surface, like the hidden journeyman Alfred hides deep within.

And you know, you're invited. Come here whenever you please. I need to know about your glorious nation (which I thought was the dwarf one, btw). :err:

@Siren: I am jealous, you should love me and just me. I am your only robot. :p

@|ngenius: Yes, you are my only robot, i assure you i have no other robot in my life. :grin: ;)
I also assure you i have a lot of love for everyone, i don't love you any less than is sirenly possible, but if i were to love only you, my love (that needs to free and spread itself) would suffocate me.:p :rolleyes:

Siren (
Salamurhaaja said:
You mean girls don't like this :eek:
No wonder my cheecks seem to sting a lot ;)

Did I say they didn't? Sure they do. Please, carry on.

Why should one try and manage to classify as enjoyable??

As for recognizing the worthy people only a posteriori. It definately is worth a shot to give a decent chance for those who seem 'different'. As it is impossible to give everyone a 2nd chance (as Rahvin mentioned), how to choose the ones that are worthwhile the deeper exploration? My answer is as follows: definately not judging by the way they look, but by what they say, or more likely how they say it - the first impression, if you like. This is why it's so important to say what you think and not what you ought to (as I put it): saying what you are expected to say will bring to you only the ones that want to fill their days with discussions of weather or mascara.
By speaking your true mind you will make sure that the people that will be interested in knowing you will be like you in some utterly important level. (Oh please say you understand the point I'm trying to make...

I've had one hell of a headache the whole day so no wonder if this should come out a little obscure...


I love everyone here... but not sexually.... at least not for the majority of you peeps.

"All you need is love!!!!!!!" *singing the DMB song, not the Beatles one*

*Runs away before anyone pukes on me.*
my situation is pretty weird. it's one of those.. ermm... long-distanced ones. i met this chick visiting the states and we hit it off, but she lives in Australia. she's very cool and we have alot in common and keep in touch, but being 3000 miles puts a damper on things... i try to be optimistic, but then i remember that optimism blows... nevertheless, i have a firm hold on a thin thread of hope.
oh, and rahvin, if you puke on me again, i'm going to have to stab you. 48 times. in the balls, ass and face. fair warning, ya know. stranger to stranger. =D
@lucifer_cbhc: i understand, mate, i'd do the same in your position. fair's fair. ;)
as for your predicament, i could toss my wagonload of rethorics telling you that if you're both taking it very seriously one of you might end up moving and yadda yadda. honestly, though: it must be pretty hard. longest distance i've had to travel was 350km, can't even compare, and still problems were somewhat emphasized by the fact that you couldn't just go out and meet and talk for hours.
