DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

lucifer_cbhc said:
but being 3000 miles puts a damper on things... i try to be optimistic, but then i remember that optimism blows... nevertheless, i have a firm hold on a thin thread of hope.

Well, 3000 miles are always 3000 miles, and fair's fair, of course. (I'll help you stabbing the dwarf). But it won't be the first time two people get together no matter where they were living at the first time. We had a good example here, in this board. (It's the so-called Greece effect) ;) Optimism blows always that you keep your will.

|ngenius (L-O-V-E RULES!)
@Mousewings: i'm quite (read a lot) shy too, i never did the first move with a guy :s

@|ngenius: better to end it now than later if it already wasn't what you wanted i think :)

about distances well...i've never been in a more-than-30kilometers-distance relationships :err: but i think if you are both convinced than it's really worth trying :)

hilj(feels :zzz: )
it's at sort of a standstill right now. she's the "first" for me, i could say. but i don't know if i'd ever move to see her... i've got my own life to live. there's always the chance of her moving back over here, too. i just want to see it to the end, no matter how that goes. rather have something then nothing, i guess. thanks for the comments thus far!
rahvin said:
so you take me for granted, uh? :Smug:

convince him we change our destination, to - say - somewhere on the other side of the mediterranean. ;)


whaaaaaaaaaaaat????????? now that i don't live in Spain you want to go...errrr wait....oh! wait! I understand... :rolleyes:

fathervic (you're welcome :grin: )
lucifer_cbhc said:
it's at sort of a standstill right now. she's the "first" for me, i could say. but i don't know if i'd ever move to see her... i've got my own life to live. there's always the chance of her moving back over here, too. i just want to see it to the end, no matter how that goes. rather have something then nothing, i guess. thanks for the comments thus far!

well, well...i know distance relationships are not the best thing to deal with :rolleyes: but is the person you're dealing with which may tell you if it worths to leave it all behing and start again. May be it's wrong to leave, may be not...time will tell, but may be you will regret about it either way (you're trapped :p)
people around here know that i hate distant relationships, and basically that's the reason why i left my country ;)

fathervic (not in a distant relationship anymore :p )
Salamurhaaja said:
I thought they were all girls? ;)
Not them. At least I don't think they are... the one who is a guy and plays a musical instrument is hott.

I think the Backstreet Boys are all girls though... :p

That picture of In Flames is scary. :(
f*ck buddies. any of the female members here have 'em?

i never thought i'd submit to a f*ck buddy relationship but it's happened. it hasn't been going on for very long though and i'm not sure how much longer it will last. i guess that's one of the benefits though, ey?

anyway, when my new f*ck buddy and i got together i asked him what i should tell friends, family, etc, about the new guy in my life. i asked him if i should tell them i have a boyfriend now or what? he didn't seem to think that was acceptable but he also said he didn't want me to tell them i have a f*ck buddy either. :u-huh: but that is what it boils down to, isn't it?

btw, this is not the ex-bf. maybe more about him later... (and make sure to grab your box of Kleenex!)

anyway, i have an amusing story regarding the fb and last weekend. last Saturday night we went out on another date. after leaving the club we came back to my place...uhhm...for some more fun (and it was). ;) he didn't leave until around 4:30 in the morning (not that i forced him to stay or anything like that). :grin: so after the extra-curricular post-club activities he finally tires and leaves. the next day he writes me and says that he got stopped by the local cops leaving my place. that's typical for around here. 4:30 AM Sunday morning, one of only a few cars on the road, etc. so he wrote and told me that he got the usual interrogation and vehicle search and being that he was not drunk, nor did he have any contraband on him, the officer let him go. in my reply i asked him what he told the officer when asked about his whereabouts during the evening/morning and where he was going. i asked him, "did you by any chance tell him you were coming back from your "GIRLFRIEND'S" place and you were on your way home?"


:err: i won't repeat the answer, that's messed up! :waah:
wildfyr said:
i never thought i'd submit to a f*ck buddy relationship but it's happened. it hasn't been going on for very long though and i'm not sure how much longer it will last. i guess that's one of the benefits though, ey?

my theory is the reasons why these relationships do not turn into stable ones mainly reside in one person's will. so, is it yours or his? what would him being your bf add to the relationship that you or him wouldn't like? is this some way to keep the situation from being all-encompassing or you merely think the other is great for sex but not enough for the rest? and in this case, is "the rest" usually detached from sexual activities as a rule?
thanks for sharing. :)

rahvin said:
my theory is the reasons why these relationships do not turn into stable ones mainly reside in one person's will. so, is it yours or his?

what if it's both? this is something we both discussed. i thought i made that clear in my post? it's new territory for me, rahvin, so i guess i'm still learning. ;)

what would him being your bf add to the relationship that you or him wouldn't like? is this some way to keep the situation from being all-encompassing or you merely think the other is great for sex but not enough for the rest?

hmm. well, he seems like he could be boyfriend material but i really don't know him well enough yet. since the physical aspects are good, if it turns out that he fits other criteria of mine, then i think it would be hard for me to want to let go after a while. does that make sense? i don't know what his response would be to that question though, you'd have to ask him. ;)

and in this case, is "the rest" usually detached from sexual activities as a rule?
thanks for sharing. :)


actually there really hasn't been a "rest". that's where that other criteria stuff might come in though! =)
wildfyr said:
what if it's both? this is something we both discussed. i thought i made that clear in my post? it's new territory for me, rahvin, so i guess i'm still learning. ;)

maybe it's both, but i think usually it's not. ;) let's say often there's someone who's ready for more and someone else who isn't.

hmm. well, he seems like he could be boyfriend material but i really don't know him well enough yet.

oh, ok. i just wanted to know why you would rule out the possibility if you had, but since things are still open to conjecture i find the relationship much healthier than i first thought. :)

actually there really hasn't been a "rest". that's where that other criteria stuff might come in though! =)

no, i was referring to some general rule that you might apply/have applied in your life. how would you place the "rest" in your cosmology an in relation to sex, and stuff.
