marduk1507 said:
Dont let anyone tell you what to do!
Fat Centurion: Up you go, Bignose!
Bignose: Oh, I'll get you for this, you bastard!
Fat Centurion: Oh, yeah!
Bignose: Oh yeah, don't worry. I never forget a face.
Fat Centurion: No!
Bignose: I warn you. I'm gonna punch you stone hard, you Roman git!
Fat Centurion: Shut up, you Jewish turd!
Bignose: Who are you calling Jewish? I'm not Jewish, I'm a Samaritan!
Bearded Man: A Samaritan? This is supposed to be a Jewish section!
Fat Centurion: It doesn't matter! You're all gonna die in a day or two!
Bearded Man: It may not matter to you, Roman, but it certainly matters to us. Doesn't it, darling?
Bearded Man's Wife: Oh, rather!
Bearded Man: Under the terms of the Roman occupancy we're entitled to be crucified in a purely Jewish area.
Crucified man I: Pharisees separate from Sadduces!
Crucified man II: And Swedish separate and Welsh!
Crucifixion Party: Yeah, right, yeah!
Fat Centurion: All right, all right, all right, we'll soon settle this! 'Ands up, all those who don't want to be crucified here!
Crucifixion Party: Ugh! Aah!
Fat Centurion: Right! Next!
Samson: Ah, look, it's not my cross.
Fat Centurion: What?
Samson: Ah, it's not my cross, I was ehm...holding it for someone.
Fat Centurion: Just lie down, I haven't got all day!
Samson: No, of course, ehm, look, I hate to make fuss, but...
Fat Centurion: Look...
Samson: Eh...
Fat Centurion: We've had a busy day, and there's a hundred and forty of you lot together...
Bearded Man: Is he Jewish?
Fat Centurion: Will you be quiet!
Bearded Man: We don't want any more Samaritans around here.
Fat Centurion: Belts up!
Samson: Ehm...would you let me down if he comes back?
Fat Centurion: Yeah, yeah, we'll let you down. Next!
Brian: You don't have to do this! You don't have to take orders!
Fat Centurion: I like orders!
(still off topic?
