DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

all those who do believe in ron hubbard's writings should be deported on the planet where xenu dwells.
ron hubbard was the founder of scientology, which is pure evil.

on the other hand, i just jumpstarted again an excuse for a relationship that had been dead for months with good cause (see previous posts in this thread, the A and B diatribe). i hate the fact that i'm an adrenalin junkie who additionally believes in, you know, tr00 feelings.
marduk1507 said:
Dont let anyone tell you what to do! :lol:


Fat Centurion: Up you go, Bignose!
Bignose: Oh, I'll get you for this, you bastard!
Fat Centurion: Oh, yeah!
Bignose: Oh yeah, don't worry. I never forget a face.
Fat Centurion: No!
Bignose: I warn you. I'm gonna punch you stone hard, you Roman git!
Fat Centurion: Shut up, you Jewish turd!
Bignose: Who are you calling Jewish? I'm not Jewish, I'm a Samaritan!
Bearded Man: A Samaritan? This is supposed to be a Jewish section!
Fat Centurion: It doesn't matter! You're all gonna die in a day or two!
Bearded Man: It may not matter to you, Roman, but it certainly matters to us. Doesn't it, darling?
Bearded Man's Wife: Oh, rather!
Bearded Man: Under the terms of the Roman occupancy we're entitled to be crucified in a purely Jewish area.
Crucified man I: Pharisees separate from Sadduces!
Crucified man II: And Swedish separate and Welsh!
Crucifixion Party: Yeah, right, yeah!
Fat Centurion: All right, all right, all right, we'll soon settle this! 'Ands up, all those who don't want to be crucified here!
Crucifixion Party: Ugh! Aah!
Fat Centurion: Right! Next!
Samson: Ah, look, it's not my cross.
Fat Centurion: What?
Samson: Ah, it's not my cross, I was ehm...holding it for someone.
Fat Centurion: Just lie down, I haven't got all day!
Samson: No, of course, ehm, look, I hate to make fuss, but...
Fat Centurion: Look...
Samson: Eh...
Fat Centurion: We've had a busy day, and there's a hundred and forty of you lot together...
Bearded Man: Is he Jewish?
Fat Centurion: Will you be quiet!
Bearded Man: We don't want any more Samaritans around here.
Fat Centurion: Belts up!
Samson: Ehm...would you let me down if he comes back?
Fat Centurion: Yeah, yeah, we'll let you down. Next!
Brian: You don't have to do this! You don't have to take orders!
Fat Centurion: I like orders!

(still off topic? :goggly: )