dt forum members pictures page.


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Oct 9, 2001
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I'm volunteering to put up a Dark Tranquillity forum members pictures page since the last one is out of commissioned. Aside from your mugshot(s), submit any information about yourself for this new build, such as your age, location, websites, quotes or anything you would like to share. Private messaging me is fine. I'm also open for any suggestions for the page such as colors, fonts, themes, layouts, and so on.



Name: Anders van Hummer Jr., III
Age: 24 and very sexy
Location: Philadelphia, downtown

Web-site: www.thequietplace.net
You're gonna have to use your imagination. That's my face alright, but now you have to change that goatee to a full beard cause that's what I have now! For the rest, unfortunately, nothing has changed....


Name : Martin Mongeau
Age : 20 years old
Location : Aylmer, Canada
You can read my attempts to write songlyrics at : http://www.fictionpress.com/~nightskywatcher
@rampage sword: forgive me for editing the image out of your post. not only was it not showing, but it caused an annoying msn popup to appear (at least on the computer i'm using). see if you can host it on imageshack.
Thanks for posting pics & info, I'll get the webpage rolling after a few more.
they're not ridiculous
he wears them proudly

and i hadn't realized they weren't working. bah. i'll mail them then.