forumers' picture page, old and new


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
the official dt forum members' picture page, which used to be hosted and updated by salamurhaaja, is currently offline due to salmy's busy schedule making it impossible for him to keep taking care of it.

is anybody here willing to host and manage a new one? you can get the old pictures directly from salamurhaaja, but i suggest we check with each user again before we use the picture of someone long gone. new layout and features are going to be both your free choice and your duty.

you can post here questions, suggestions, and - of course - the virtual equivalent of a raised hand saying "me! me! i'll do it!". you can also contact me for further issues, just bear in mind that like most politicians, i can decide what's allowed and what's not, but i have no technical knowledge whatsoever. i'm a complete ignorant when it comes to webmastering, pictures, and cars. so if you don't know how to put rollover buttons on the new picture page, or how to compress a .imweird file, or whether to buy a 2003 skioppo or a 2004 canguro, don't expect anything from me but a polite smile.
Maybe DragonLady1 and I can work on something.
i can offer the car knowledge. just the basics, but it's better than nothing. ;)
You can offer more pix of yourself, Siren. :cool:
I think someone wants to enrich his archive. Now who could that be.. *wonders*

*shift eyes left and right*

This reminds me... the picture of me on the old site is funny. My hair is around the bottom of my ears there. Currently it is well past my shoulders :)