DT stuff showcase

What do you actually do with all the CDs you buy? Do you put them on a wall or display them in some way or are they stacked up on shelves or wherever people put CDs?
What do you actually do with all the CDs you buy? Do you put them on a wall or display them in some way or are they stacked up on shelves or wherever people put CDs?

Personally, I don't have enough room to keep them anymore. The newer purchases I put on display on an open shelf, while the rest are in boxes and I listen to audio rips of the tracks on my computer (which I know is not the perfect solution, but at least it's connected to a good audio output). Part of my very European desire for larger living quarters is aimed at dedicating a room to my CDs and put them all on a wall-to-wall display.
What do you actually do with all the CDs you buy? Do you put them on a wall or display them in some way or are they stacked up on shelves or wherever people put CDs?

all my DT cds are sealed inside plastic covers, so they don't get scratched or something. my collection is all kept inside a big big box in my wardrobe :)
I don't really 'use' my collection.. what I listen to is always mp3s, so there's not much use for cds. but I love to collect DT stuff and stare at it from time to time! :hypno:
Staring at it sounds like a great quick fix for melancholy. Have fun then. I want to have a box, too.
I can move walls through windows if they are big enough just in case you need help, Siren.
Doh! I will sit below your house and collect all your excrements then!