DT stuff showcase

fuck I don't have the box.. but that's really too expensive...! I paid less than 90 euros for those 5 cds..

Didn't quite get that last post... so do you have the box or not :Smug: ?

And can you post a link from where you bought it please :) ?
^ Hmmm yeah apparently, I thought I saw the box in Nico's pics... :rolleyes: .

Anyway, the cds are quite nice, and the box certainly is, but damn is it expensive or what?!@? :zombie:
The Gallery [deluxe edition]
The Mind's I [deluxe edition]

And i just received the Nothing to Noone and Bird girlies. :D
^ Yeah I know, I asked because I noticed that HMV Nippon doesn't sell the cds in one whole package, only individually, so I was wondering if you had the box or not :Smug: :p .

HMV should sell the whole package IMO though :mad: .
I guess those records can be sold both individually and in the box, so I don't think there's a way HMV should sell them. I mean, they're not selling them unlawfully or stuff like that. But I'd love if they sold it in box edition as well.
^ When did I say they were selling them unlawfully? :rolleyes:

I'm just saying that they should sell the box too, you know, so costumers can have the option of buying only one cd or the whole package :rolleyes: .
just got:

- character japanese
- the mind's I reissue 2008 japan
- the gallery reissue 2008 japan
- projector reissue 2008 japan
- haven reissue 2008 japan
- skydancer reissue 2008 japan

Hey. Respect, man! I think your collection most biggest. yeah?
I collect Katatonia cd..of course all release .. here some photos
+2 cd recive yesterday.
So I create site about all Katatonia releases .. with info photos and scans. It will be done in several months..

Is there exist any page about all Dark Tranquillity releases?
hehhe, no there are other big collections as well.. but I don't live it a as a competition..!

anyway I have some katatonia albums too, great band!

on the ever-work-in-progress new versio of my website I made a list of ALL known DT releases... but again I have no time to finish the website...