DT stuff showcase

Heres my collection! My dream would be to own Projector LP, I have never seen it anywhere..

Skydancer of chaos.. CD
Skydancer of chaos.. CD (red cover)
The Gallery CD
The minds I CD
The Minds I Cd BOX 10"
The Minds I LP
Enter Suicidal Angels CD
Projector CD
Projector DIGI
Haven CD
Haven LP PIC
Haven Casette
Damage done CD
Damage Done PROMO
Damage Done DIGI
Damage Done CASETTE
Exposures In Retrospect And Denial CD
Live Damage DVD
Lost to Apathy CD EP
Character CD
Character LP
Character DIGI
Focus Shift MCD
Fiction CD
Fiction LP
Ficion PROMO
Hi , great collection.

:u-huh::u-huh: Have you got some photos and informations for this one please ????



don't worry you will find projector LP one day .....

No i have not, Actualy I dont have i yet, I orderd it. At least it looks like a digipack, I wil see i a couple of days. :D
I have seen the Projector LP, damn it's fucking beautiful! I saw it when I went to München to Solefald's (he posts ever now and then here) apartment.

I told him to sell it to me but he didn't want to. For obvious reasons :rolleyes: .
Well I think I never posted it but here's my updated (and awesome :) ) DT collection:

- Skydancer LP ( :rock: )

- Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night CD

- The Gallery '95 CD

- The Gallery (Delux Ed.) CD

- The Gallery '95 Thai Cassette

- The Mind's I '97 CD

- The Mind's I (Deluxe Ed.)

- Projector CD

- Projector CD Digi

- Haven LP

- Damage Done CD

- Exposures CD

- Lost to Apathy EP (signed!!!! :rock::rock::rock:)

- Character CD

- Character CD Digi

- Fiction CD (2)

- Fiction CD Ltd.

- Fiction LP

- Projector World Tour 1999 Long-sleeve

- Damage Done Shirt (thanks Frank! :) )

- Character US Tour Shirt

- DT "en Costa Rica" poster

- Fiction poster

... and that's it, I think. I must admit I have a nice collection :) , and that I was damn lucky finding the Skydancer LP in Oslo :kickass: .
just got:

- character japanese
- the mind's I reissue 2008 japan
- the gallery reissue 2008 japan
- projector reissue 2008 japan
- haven reissue 2008 japan
- skydancer reissue 2008 japan
just got:

- character japanese
- the mind's I reissue 2008 japan
- the gallery reissue 2008 japan
- projector reissue 2008 japan
- haven reissue 2008 japan
- skydancer reissue 2008 japan

:hypno: pics pics!

Are they nice?

Ohhhh me want, me want! :rock: