DT's Mexico, South America Tour

Hola a todos!... espero que no haya problema si posteo en español. Solo quería compartir con ustedes un video que grabé en el concierto en BOGOTA.

The treason wall + The wonders at your feet

Vean lo que Stanne hace con nuestra bendera en 1:23


I hope there is no prob if I write in spanish; it's just I don't speak english the way i'd like to.
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@norsefire666: You should try to write in english even if it's not as perfect as you'd like, because that's the best way to practice and improve. :) That said, i don't mind that you posted in spanish cause i pretty much understood what you wrote, but people who don't understand spanish might mind. Oh, and thanks for posting the video.
@norsefire666: but people who don't understand spanish might mind.

ok then, for those who don't understand spanish, I wanted to share with the the forum this video I recorded in the DT concert here in Bogota. I specially enjoyed what Mikael does with our flag at 1:23.

Enjoy!... I have seen several bands playing here in Colombia. Bands like Dimmu, Hypocrisy, Iron Maiden, gorgoroth, dark funeral, misfits (2 times), Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Testament .. etc... but nothing compares with what I saw that day. It's definitely the best concert I've ever been to!!!
Enjoy!... I have seen several bands playing here in Colombia. Bands like Dimmu, Hypocrisy, Iron Maiden, gorgoroth, dark funeral, misfits (2 times), Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Testament .. etc... but nothing compares with what I saw that day. It's definitely the best concert I've ever been to!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) The video is nice, it has some interesting points (for me at least). And your english seems just fine. ;)
id love to see some video of the concert i missed in mexico city
if anyone has a vid or a link to it please share :)
Monterrey gig was awesome indeed, we definitely need a third one in the future: