Dual Rectifier vs. Mark V


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2005
I decided to make an investment of $2000 in an AMP and with all the choices available out there, I am confused between these two AMPs

I dropped other options because I believe that these two Mesas are the most versatile and money worth out there.

I haven't tried them though although I have watched every clip about them because they are not available in the Lebanese market and I am importing them.

So I play everything from Blues to Extreme Metal thus the confusion.

I am sure that the Mark V has more clean/bluesy/alternative choices than the rectifier but is it a good amp to play metal? let me know of your opinion!
Well, Mark Morton and John Petrucci see nothing wrong with the Mark series... some quotes from a Guitarist magazine review of the Mark V combo:

"Channel three begins with another Mesa legend, the Mark II-C+ mode, which piles on more gain and moves closer to early eighties metal sounds. This is heavily modded Marshall territory, but with more body and bottom end, courtesy of that powerful EQ and the 6L6 valves, making it good for fusion and technique rock too."

"Then there's extreme mode - here there's more aggression and grind in the mid-range, with immense gain, sustain and articulation for modern metal riffing or cutting leads."

They gave it five stars out of five for all the categories: build quality, features, sound and value for money.

I fucking want one.