OK, just came back from the store where I checked out the following amps with my Les Paul Standard (stock pickups):
- Randall RM100 /w Blackface, Plexi and XTC modules @ Mesa 4x12 and Marshall 1960
- Mesa Dual Rectifier @ Mesa 4x12
- Engl Fireball @ Engl 4x12 (big one)
- Framus Cobra @ Engl 4x12
Unfortunately, the testing room sounded so awfully bad (over-boomy bass, phase-cancellations all over the place etc.) that it has been really hard to judge by ears, so I judged by "feel".
Here are my personal results:
Mesa Rectifier: Not my amp (with or without a pedal) at all. Just does not feel as if it "wants to be played". I had to work hard to play this amp. Very unusual frequency spectrum as if bass, middle and treble do not work together as a single sound but are three different ranges (I don't know how to explain it...) ....we won't get friends.
Randall RM100: Supergreat amp, sounds very organic. The Blackface module is very cool, but I don't care at the moment. The Plexi module just rocks big time, the whole amp would be worth the money just for this module (for immediate AC/DC or ZZ Top or even Van Halen stuff). The XTC has not been brutal enough for what I am searching for. If I hadn't my Marshalls already, I would buy this amp immediately. If I could only check out the 1086 module somewhere... ;-(
Engl Fireball: This is my taste! I don't know if this sound will cut through in a mix, but it just felt right (maybe due to the compression?) when played. Very brutal, ultra-chugga-chuggable, but not very flexible. The store did not find their Powerball head (which should be in stock but wasn't there), which could be the one I will head for.
Framus Cobra: Great amp, too. Sounded pretty Engl'esque to my ears, but as I said, the room is awful. Something did not get me, though.
So thanx for your Recto comments, but I am out of the market for Rectos and will need to decide between Engl and Randall (if I find a more brutal module).