dumb fuck

The Don

Oct 29, 2004
Evergreen, Colorado USA
i can take it when somebody writes a negative review in an intelligent manner, actually pointing out what makes the album a disappointment. however i think i'll take some fucking TNT to this douchebag's house:


"sound too alike to differentiate"?

"In trying to find their own identity KALMAH has released a disappointing album that never really seems to convince itself that it’s doing the right things"

apparantly the intro to Defeat and The Black Waltz are very similar too...

I don't mean to sound like a fanboy here but shit like this just pisses me off. How can you be a fan of metal and write stupid shit like this? Maybe I just suck :cry:
This Keith guy is failing to prove points by intelligence, what a dumbass.

BUT! I must agree slightly with the very last sentence of his article.
I read the whole review and some of these things are true like this, but most of it is nonsense
"Pekka Kokko’s vocals are also changed, moving down the register from his higher-pitched snarl to lower, monotonous growl—not necessarily a good change. Really I thought KALMAH had a new singer until I checked the liner notes." - I GET SO BORED OF THE NEW VOCALS ZZZZ PUT ME TO SLEEP SUPER BORING.
"In trying to find their own identity KALMAH has released a disappointing album that never really seems to convince itself that it’s doing the right things. It’s by no means a bad album; maybe it would have scored better if I didn’t know that KALMAH was capable of more that this. Maybe I wouldn’t have seen the awkwardness if I didn’t know what they sounded like before. Some people will probably like the move to a heavier, grittier sound, but it really comes up short, as no song differentiates itself from the others and the entirety sounds forced. It sounds like the band has pushed themselves somewhere they don’t want to go in their search for individuality." - Agreed I feel that this album gets boring unfortunately. KALMAH IS STILL BY FAR MY FAV BAND THOUGH. :):):):)
(what the fuck) what this dumb ass talking about? if he think that tbw is suck then what about motherfucker Children of bodom and there last stupied album it is suck , and bytheway why every website talking about kalmah that they are simlier to children of bodom (they are not) because cob are suck but kalmah did in every album a new idea and they Succeed it so FUCK METAL OBSERVER website because they don't know any think about METAL
Well I kind of thought it sucked. The only albums I listen to by Kalmah anymore are the first three.
somehow this review sounds like i wanted mine to sound... i really don't think that tbw is a bad album and i would give it 8/10 points if i didn't know kalmah at all... but as a kalmah fan i'd rather rate it 3 or 4/10... it seems as if i'll put my review online aswell... somewhat a more detailed view...
trying to get out of cob's shadow? children of bodoms style is competely different from kalmahs style. This dude obviously doesnt play guitar because any sane person would never dare to say that. i believe that kalmah has a much, much more melodic and satisfying style of play. cob is still great(their old stuff anyway) but kalmah is superior in every area of play. espescially the guitar aspect, antti's tone, riffs, and solos are ridiculously better than (his name escapes me at the moment) cob's lead guitarist.
I think that TBW kicks serious ass.

At first, I admit, I preffered the old stuff. I didn't hate TBW, mind you, but I didn't like it nearly as much. In some ways I still do prefer some of the older stuff and wish some more of the old was to be found with the new (I want another incredibly bad ass Power epic like "Heroes To Us" damnit!), but after listening to the whole album a couple of times rather than choosing a song and listening to it for 30 seconds or so and then going back the old stuff, I quickly came to realize that although it's different from the older stuff, it still kicks a large amount of ass. Defeat, Mindrust and Groan of the Wind kick an especially large amount of ass.

And yeah, the songs on TBW sound similar in certain respects, as any good albums songs will. Songs on an album are meant to be similar in certain respects, as they usually follow some theme and they are meant to sort of "connect" to one another. So yeah, there are similarities, but I don't think it's any worse than any other power/death metal albums.

Also, It would be nice to see a review of Kalmah where COB isn't mentioned. There not the same folks. Deal with it.
The Moonshield said:
Also, It would be nice to see a review of Kalmah where COB isn't mentioned. There not the same folks. Deal with it.
Yeah, their a world apart to me. Alot of melodic death metal bands are compared to CoB, it's completely stupid. To me all of my favorite melodic death metal bands like Noumena, Insomnium, EToS, Imperanon, Kalmah, etc. have their own style. The tone of everything and the song structures are all different.
Ya, I find alot of Melodic bands are always compared to CoB which is really annoying.
Why not say that all thrash bands are trying to be like Slayer or Metallica or Megadeth or something along the lines of that, or that all death metal sounds like Cannibal Corpse.

But back on topic.... TBW was abit of a dissapointment at first cause of the change they made, I'm sure it was a shock and sort of dissapointed alot of fans, but after awhile of listening to it, you realise it's one hell of an album and you get the idea that this is Kalmah's new style and you deal with it. Alot of people will most likely end up liking the older stuff but still this album at least deserves a 6/10 (lowest possible in my opinion). Because the album its self is still better then alot of other bands albums.
i dont get it. as soon as i heard TBW i was instantly blown away. i knew it kicked copious amounts of ass from the get go. back on topic, as far as im concerned this guy doesnt know much about anything. as soon as i see a COB comperison i dont take it seriously. and why is everybody disapointed with TBW being different than the other albums? i dont mind change, as long as it kicks ass which in this case it does. it's aswome you can listen to all of the albums and have a large spectrum of awsomeness.
The Prophet said:
i dont get it. as soon as i heard TBW i was instantly blown away. i knew it kicked copious amounts of ass from the get go. back on topic, as far as im concerned this guy doesnt know much about anything. as soon as i see a COB comperison i dont take it seriously. and why is everybody disapointed with TBW being different than the other albums? i dont mind change, as long as it kicks ass which in this case it does. it's aswome you can listen to all of the albums and have a large spectrum of awsomeness.
It's not because it's different. If it wasn't a Kalmah album or if I had never heard previous music from Kalmah then I would of thought it was mediocre at best. The previous albums to me are alot more technical, melodic, and the song structures are MUCH better and the solos are great. Everything about the older stuff is better to me. I also liked the old vocals better. TBW is boring to me, and I feel like I've heard every riff or melody on TBW before. I just can't listen to it without getting bored not even halfway through every song.
The Prophet said:
i dont get it. as soon as i heard TBW i was instantly blown away. i knew it kicked copious amounts of ass from the get go. back on topic, as far as im concerned this guy doesnt know much about anything. as soon as i see a COB comperison i dont take it seriously. and why is everybody disapointed with TBW being different than the other albums? i dont mind change, as long as it kicks ass which in this case it does. it's aswome you can listen to all of the albums and have a large spectrum of awsomeness.

fucking thank you. right on. the moment I heard The Black Waltz all I could think was "wow this is gonna make them huge! album of the year!" all this talk of "disappointment" is hard to comprehend after listening to songs like Bitter Metallic Side and The Groan Wind!
There are a few constants in music: People are scared of change. I.E.- People give In Flames shit for changing their style, which i think is just stupid. If your a fan of someones music, let them be MUSICIANS. Let THEM create what they want to, you listen if you WANT TO, music is voluntary.

Another is that Major labels in the industry will always make sure that they force a band until it's uber famous. Metal used to be 'underground' but now the industry in metal is turning out to be the same as all the others. Look at bands like Slipknot and Korn. SUPER FAMOUS and SUPER RICH, which is intresting cuz they both SUPER SUCK.

Then there's little ole' Kalmah. Which is arguably the best fkn band on the planet. It's a fkn travesty.
Cr4zyIrishJohn said:
There are a few constants in music: People are scared of change. I.E.- People give In Flames shit for changing their style, which i think is just stupid. If your a fan of someones music, let them be MUSICIANS. Let THEM create what they want to, you listen if you WANT TO, music is voluntary.

Another is that Major labels in the industry will always make sure that they force a band until it's uber famous. Metal used to be 'underground' but now the industry in metal is turning out to be the same as all the others. Look at bands like Slipknot and Korn. SUPER FAMOUS and SUPER RICH, which is intresting cuz they both SUPER SUCK.

Then there's little ole' Kalmah. Which is arguably the best fkn band on the planet. It's a fkn travesty.

you are Absolutely right
There are a few constants in music: People are scared of change. I.E.- People give In Flames shit for changing their style, which i think is just stupid. If your a fan of someones music, let them be MUSICIANS. Let THEM create what they want to, you listen if you WANT TO, music is voluntary.
I think you're right.

However, that doesn't mean you have to like the change. I still bought all the newer In Flames albums, but I don't particularly care for them.
Yah, like i said music is voluntary, you don't HAVE to like anything... You bought the newer In Flames i'm guessing, becuase you support them as a band. Same here, i fkn love In Flames, but their older stuff is still my favorite. BUT that doesn't mean i don't like the new stuff. Same w/ CoB.

I've learned a HUGE lesson in life, some of you should take heed too...that is: DON'T BE A MUSIC NAZI. I'm trying to let people dig whatever it is that they dig and not come across as a jackass by saying 'oh that fkn sucks'. I like what I like, you like what you like, and we can all coexist lol. BUT when we're in my car, we're listening to MY CD's. :lol: