Review sites


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2007
Dudes. You really should remember to send some complimentary albums to the big review sites from time to time. I think they are pretty important publicity wise. Anyways I (and others) finally managed to bug one of the reviewers on into writing up reviews of your albums. Here's the links:
The Spirit Of Ukko (9/10)
Reformation (7/10)

It's great you got 9/10 for Spirit of Ukko, which is bound to get some attention. 7/10 is a bit weak for Reformation. Personally that's my favourite album. I think the reviewer marked it down for the same reason that Ensiferum - Iron got a lower rating than Ensiferum (s/t) in that some people like I slightly less polished sound? Anyway fuck 'em.

I know you guys are one of the most underrated bands around at the moment. I think your best feature is the energy you manage to create. The singing is great and the guitar stuff is unique to other bands. A lot of people I know down here in Australia love you guys, though most people say that the lyrics are utter wank.. but hey :)

P.S. The lyrics to Reformation (Wrath of the Old Gods) are awesome ! :D
Well, the record company sends promos where they think is necessary. I'll have to give them some feedback...if you can still give us some more links to where you think our records should be reviewed, that would be great.

Thanks for the positive comments and good taste!:rock:

though most people say that the lyrics are utter wank.. but hey :)

Hahaha...tell them to read between the lines! (there's no text there so they can just listen to the music...:goggly: )
I found a very posiive review of he debut album here

must say I do agree and personally if we could get more people to hear kiuas I think you guys would become extremely bug and as popular as children of bodom very easily as I would say on all honesty that you are a better band. I have never stopped listening to your albums since I heard the ep playing in a store called its electric which is how I got introduced to the band.

Cant wait to see you guys play live
there are also some user submitted reviews on the fantastic metal-archives website:
Spirit of Ukko

these reviews give you the praise you deserve, as both albums are extremely powerful records - keep up the good work !