Dumb things you did when you were little

When I was little, I would leave half empty pop cans around the house because I couldn't finish a whole pop. One day my dad found a can(it wasn't mine, but I took the blame for it anway) and made me drink the rest of it. My fat slob of a cousin was staying with us at the time. After gulping the rest down, I realized it tasted a little too fruity to be Sprite and I had sunflower seed stuff in my mouth. My cousin had stuck fruitstripe gum wrappers in the can and had been spitting sunflower seeds in it. Didn't even bother to tell me before I started drinking.

For some reason my sister and I wanted to kill our cousin. One day we got some of my sister's poop and mixed it with some doo-dads snack mix. We had planned to give it to my cousin, thinking it would kill her.

When we couldn't decide what to do, my sister, cousin and I would write different things down on our chalkboard and vote on what to do. We'd come up with the stupidest things to do, like play bloods & crips, Goonies, Coon fan coon(stupid game I made up) or make plans to kill Angel, our cousin, which usually won the vote.

My sister and I had a Cinderella(the band) poster in our room. I heard my mom tell my older sister that it looked like one of the guys had a hard on. I thought she'd said heart on. When a bunch of relatives came to visit I told them the guy in our poster had a heart on, not knowing what it meant. They just laughed at me.

can't recall anything really... I was so quiet usually... I used to have a crappy temper tho' and exploded all the time... the other kids thought it was fun to tease me :erk:

I remember one time I kicked a girl in my class cause I lost my temper.. can't remember the issue but I think she laughed at me (or so I thought) or something...

:bah: :erk:
I used to stare at the sun... thinking that I have some kind of super human power.
I used the upper overhnag of the window as a place to swing from.

One day I ended up breaking the window with my feet. I was lucky don't have any scars from all the cuts and bruises I got.
Violet Baudelaire said:
school would get cancelled if it was 0*C
:hypno: Damn, I wish we would've had that rule. Four month vacation. :lol:

When I was about two or three, I found a cut cord with a plug in it. So of course I plug it in and then start to look at the heads of open wires at the end which glow red hot. So I touch "the gleaming things" with my index finger. Next thing I remember is being in bed examined by some unfamiliar weird guy with two small bubbles on the tip of my finger, which really hurt. I think that's my earliest memory. I heard my dad got the shout of his life for leaving cords lying around. :grin:
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i used to try and suck up ants through a straw, but one time i got a mouthful of dirt.

I fell asleep in my spaghetti once.

we were eating spaghetti (different night) and my hands are all red from the sauce, and i hade gotten a haircut earlier that day. My dad comes home from work and goes, "hey bobby, nice haircut." I immediately reached up and put my hands on my head, gesturing "see it looks nice"

I stomped on a 8oz juicy juice box, Grape. At a crowded gathering. The guy I sprayed was highly pissed.

I tried to cut open a baseball with a butcher knife, and it slid off and nearly cut my finger off.

me and my brother were fucking around with a rolling chair in the kitchen, rolling it at high speed from one end to the other.

Well, i let go and he din' know how to stop, so the armrest of the chair went straight into the window of the oven.

when they came to replace the glass, the workers dropped the big piece of glass in our driveway, smashing another one.

In the 7th grade i stabbed me science-teacher in the arm with a quicksilver-themometer... No grades in the 8th for me... =/

What a fuckin' idiot i was.... =/ I could have used those grade right about now... :D
once i was drinking from a bottle of coke with a straw. then i lifted the bottle up forgetting i was drinking with the straw and not directly from the bottle, thus pouring the entire bottle of coke on my face.

and when i went skiing i used to talk to the skilift to convince it not to drop me :tickled:

growing older i haven't given up doing idiotic things :blush:
I ran over my friend while I was riding bike. she wouldn't move and I couldn't steer all that well. Well she had tire makes on her neck. To this day I crack up laughing about it.
It was her look of fear the so funny and the fact she froze up.

(growing older i haven't given up doing idiotic things ) I do something idiotic everyday..
I tried to feed a goat with it's own shit in a petting zoo when i was about 5 years old...

With 9 years, i my mother took me to some kind of coffee party at her friends house. Whilst she had a fine old time with her friends, i had nobody to play since there has been no one in my age except a few girls. After some unsuccessful attempts to make my mother leave, i was boiling with rage and demolished everything that crossed my way. I kicked over some bikes, ripped flowers out of the flowerbeds, threw the dishes around, torn some books asunder and so on... my mother wanted to call the ambulance to sedate me...