Dumbass Question

Moonlapse said:
I've yet to see universal acceptance of one form of music over another. Whether or not the relativist's argument is rhetorical doesn't undermine the inherent message he delivers.
that's right say it like a true anus.com poster :loco:
So, is everyone saying that Nu-metal is wank? i mean im definatley into my metal, but recently i have started listening to other things, such as, massive attack, NIN, john lennon, the beatles, elbow etc etc i could go on. But you know i quite enjoy slipknot and i definatley dont think many people could pull off what they do. its just comthign appreciate, but i can definatley understand about the whole 'kids metal' but if they all liked Opeth im sure we would all have a problem with Opeth aswell. because at the moment, bands like opeth are special to the very few who appreciate them. so if Opeth hit mainstream like korn or slipknot ad everyone was running around thinkin they were hardcore what would you think?
Moonlapse said:
I've yet to see universal acceptance of one form of music over another. Whether or not the relativist's argument is rhetorical doesn't undermine the inherent message he delivers.

Its not that there isnt any truth to his statements abour perspective determining value to the individual- this is redundant. Its what happens after this statement that is the problem.

All opinions and beliefs are certainly not equal in merit or support. The same applies to music. While there is no empirical "proof" to determine which is better, hopefully with a broad exposure to differing styles and some critical thinking, it becomes quite easy to differentiate between infantile crap, and art. Once we get to a certain point, your right, the lines become very blurred. However there is clarity in many cases, and certainly in an example such as rap.
Justin S. said:
with a broad exposure to differing styles and some critical thinking, it becomes quite easy to differentiate between infantile crap, and art..
you're telling me that art must appear intellectual and elite to be valid? a scribble, a brushstroke, is not art? wether it was created by an infant or a dying man, art is art, as long as it was created with intent and purpose. it is creation of a vessel to convey expression. that is undeniable. minimalism is still a valid form of art. you can't tell me things like rap and nu-metal are less valid because they are more simplistic.

if validity can be measured at all, it would be in the realm of influence. such as the impact of the Mona Lisa, etc. Surly there are many people who believe rap, nu-metal, and other genres are valid forms of music because those genres have continued to exist.
did you guys know that over 60% of anus.com members are under 16 years of age?

hahahaha that was a really funny revelation for me when i had read one of their threads a few years back..."the how old are you?" thread.

it hadnt come much of a surprise, but i laughed anyways.

just a little digression, never mind. carry on
I dont hate Nu-Metal 'cos it's Nu-Metal, I will listen to a song or a band with an open mind and its Genre doesn't influence me that much. Unavoidably I get swayed now and again into not liking a band due to their popularity, but mostly I dont like them 'cos I think they're poor.

Heavy Metal is the most fickle part of an intrinsically fickle thing - the music industry. And instead of this being a double negative it compounds the fact that people will listen to things to seem cool, or won't listen to things to seem cool. I will admit that I like bands that may not be seen as cool to undergound metal fans, but then i equally like bands like Regurgitate that are only seen as 'cool' in very select circles. It is a shame when people stop themselves liking a band for the fear of seeming 'hardcore', and when they force themsleves to like a band merely because they are seen as different, or underground. Take Mastadon: commonly seen as the new big thing, I don't like 'em much, but thats 'cos I listened to them first without any preconceptions. What I think makes Opeth (both the band and the fans of theirs I have spoken to) different is that they are not close minded, and they take music as it is - music, it is not a status symbol or a means of defining a person, it is just music. Yes music is very important to me, in fact it is one of the most important things in my life, but I won't reject someone because of their taste in music. So a Nu-Metal song isn't bad 'cos it's Nu-Metal, but they are often monotonous and not worth listening to.
Silent Song said:
you're telling me that art must appear intellectual and elite to be valid? a scribble, a brushstroke, is not art? wether it was created by an infant or a dying man, art is art, as long as it was created with intent and purpose. it is creation of a vessel to convey expression. that is undeniable. minimalism is still a valid form of art. you can't tell me things like rap and nu-metal are less valid because they are more simplistic.
Silent Song said:
its not a question of musical "superiority". you've entirely missed the point.

its a question of artistic value, and because everyone values different things, you cannot claim that one is better than the other. ask a music professor which is better, rap or classical. ask a kid from the inner city which is better, rap or classical. its all about viewpoints. which is better, tell me? water or gold? if you are in the ocean, clearly gold is more valuable as water is all around you. if you are in the desert however, you would throw away gold if it meant you would have water. you can't claim elitism for any genre because all genres are different and thus incomparable. you're asking me to compare apples and swords. how does one do that? also: genres are not clearly defined regions. they are fuzzy interconnected shadows, and to completely discount one or another as inferior is an oxymoron because you would be detracting from that which you declare superior at the same moment, at the region where they connect.

the point that's being driven here is COMMERCIAL music, that is, music whose sole existence is income, is inferior to music whose basis is a valid artistic expression/intent. this is because music that has a driven purpose achieves a goal for its creator and its intended audiences. music rooted in money however, merely sells. it is no more than its constituent parts. it has no profound meaning or purpose. that is what we are saying.
I didn't miss the point. I completely ignored it.

My point was not to address the state of commercial music, but rather to point out that some genres by nature are musically not as expansive as other genres. There's no interpretation or bias involved. It can easily be proven that, as a whole, prog metal is more musical than rap or nu-metal.I'm not concerned about the intents of bands and wheter they supposedly make their music for money or not. Nor do I care about a person's own definition of what makes one genre "better" with respect to another. I was talking specifically about an objective observation that some genres are more musical than other genres. I hate to repeat myself.