Dumbass Question

I find it hard to hate Max simply because I love oldschool Sepultura so much. I mean their thrash sound just did it for me. There was nobody that did it like they did. I really don't know why, but after his fallout with the band they both went to shit really fast. I haven't heard any Soulfly or Sepultura for years now.
im glad whats-his-face started this thread. im the same age and seem to have missed the entire nu-metal thing. at an opeth concert, the kid i was standing next to said, "devil driver wouldnt be so bad if they didnt try to be so nu-metal". and i said, "yeah", but what i thought was, "what the hell is this 'new metal'?"

now what i wanna know is what is "emo". it sounds really bad. someone tell me.
dorian gray said:
now what i wanna know is what is "emo". it sounds really bad. someone tell me.

Apparently it's a style of whine/bitch/moan hardcore. Fucked if I knew, I've never heard the stuff, but it also seems to be an image... the whole despondent teenager who hates society because his parents won't let him stay up to watch South Park. For some reason, a pre-requisite is the fashion style, which seems something in between punk and goth... so we're talking twice as gay as usual.

How do I know all this?

Close enough.
thanks nick. now how about those bands who all wear the same suits? i thought they were emo. i think one of them is called The Hives but im not sure. i just get annoyed when i look at the cd cover.
nah the hives aren't emo. they're called like new rock or some shit, along with the strokes. whatever, i like em once in a while haha, they're fun.

that emo is pic is funny, but not representative enough of the true getup of these idiots.
wwallinga said:
Ok. I'm 29 - probably older than the average person in here. I grew up listening to 80s thrash, fell for 90s grunge and generally lost my taste for any new music after 1994. I really haven't picked up any "new bands" over the years. Oh, sure, I've bought cd's - I have over 500, but I really can't say I've gotten into any new types of music - other than Opeth - in the last 10 years. So, perhaps I'm a bit "out of the loop".

So, in a round-about way... here are my questions:

1) What defines nu-metal?

2) Why do we hate it?

These may seem rhetorical to you but I really am curious and you guys seem to be more knowledgeable than me.
You're getting into Opeth, and now you're curious about nu-metal? Wtf. That's so not the right order of PROGression. :Smug:

Oh, and to answer your question: Shit defines nu-metal. We hate it because shit is not a very likable thing.
wwallinga said:
Opeth is the "chess" of heavy metal. Intelligent, complex, emotional, and above all, classy. Those who don't understand probably never will.

Now go post that at the CoB forum.
Apprentice's Master said:
You're getting into Opeth, and now you're curious about nu-metal? Wtf. That's so not the right order of PROGression. :Smug:

Oh, and to answer your question: Shit defines nu-metal. We hate it because shit is not a very likable thing.

I agree with nu-metal as being a gateway or jumpstart genre. I would still be listening to rap if I hadn't gotten into Korn and System of a Down. From that point I seemed to be on a never ending quest for heaviness and gloom. That's how I eventually discovered Opeth, Cradle of Filth, and Meshuggah, who were my first tastes of extreme metal. I didn't like them at first but they grew on me until I completely loved the sound and I've been a fan of many types of "real" metal since. I still have respect for band like Korn and System, however, because they do have some pretty interesting material. Like someone said earlier, System have a very unique, almost "progressive" sound. Korn, while being simplistic and having terrible lyrics, are very good at atmosphere. They're no ambient band, but they have a knack for creating the right sound they want, whether it be raw and dissonant (the first two albums), or polished and catchy (the later albums). I know they are certainly not the most technical band, but look at how many people worship Darkthrone. Sometimes interesting musical arrangements can be constructed from simplicity.
speaking of nu-metal horseshit... i got home at midnight from a shift of busting my ass at work, and i had recorded the headbangers ball while i was out. i've never seen it, and always read random shit about the shows on blabbermouth, so i decided to check it out.
well i'm pretty happy it was recorded, because i was able to fast forward through most of it, since it was basically a pile of shit. of the approximate 25 videos they played, there were 6 good ones (megadeth, ac/dc, log, behemoth, marylin manson[fuck you, i like the song haha], and tool. everything else was shitty fuckin nu- metal, all the songs sound the same. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
Vlad the Impaler said:
I agree with nu-metal as being a gateway or jumpstart genre. I would still be listening to rap if I hadn't gotten into Korn and System of a Down. QUOTE]

This is the kind of thing that pisses me off. I'm not even a rap fan and that pisses me off, because youre treating it like theres some ultimate genre of music out there that certain bands lead you to. Thats not how it fucking works! Every band has their own style, some more original than others, and you either dig it or you don't, its that simple. It's ridiculous seeing people act like nu-metal bands are only relevant because they lead you towards harder metal acts. What if you don't like super heavy metal? Christ, its not like Opeth's music is objectively better than Godsmack's, it's all a matter of taste. I'm a huge Opeth fan, I don't listen to nu-metal or rap, and even I can acknowledge this.
BurningSky said:
This is the kind of thing that pisses me off. I'm not even a rap fan and that pisses me off, because youre treating it like theres some ultimate genre of music out there that certain bands lead you to. Thats not how it fucking works! Every band has their own style, some more original than others, and you either dig it or you don't, its that simple. It's ridiculous seeing people act like nu-metal bands are only relevant because they lead you towards harder metal acts. What if you don't like super heavy metal? Christ, its not like Opeth's music is objectively better than Godsmack's, it's all a matter of taste. I'm a huge Opeth fan, I don't listen to nu-metal or rap, and even I can acknowledge this.


NOTICE: THIS WILL PROBABLY BE THE TYPICAL RESPONSE BASED ON SOME EARLIER ONES IN THIS THREAD AND DOES NOT REPRESENT MY OPINION. I definitely agree with you all the way, gawd some people need to stop pretending their taste is better than everyone else's.
i hate elitism. especially in metal.

metal is not better than rap. rap is not better than metal. they are different. a lot of people are too stupid to know the difference.
Silent Song said:
i hate elitism. especially in metal.

metal is not better than rap. rap is not better than metal. they are different. a lot of people are too stupid to know the difference.

What's made from a legitimate reason/beleif is better than what's made for an income.

[Edit] Keep in mind this comment was not meant to be genre-specific in any way
Silent Song said:
i hate elitism. especially in metal.

metal is not better than rap. rap is not better than metal. they are different. a lot of people are too stupid to know the difference.

i second that...for the 6454564564564563rd time in my life. is this really that hard to understand.

i dont like plain rap by the way. i like it when it's on...err say massive attack, rage against the machine or dj vadim or unkle or dj shadow. cypress hill's rapcore songs are quite good too.