Dumbest suggestions by clients

Less mids in the guitar... I basically just pretended to do something and eq'd an empty channel and asked "is that better?"

he said "thats better yeah"...

I smiled knowingly.
This is actually about an AE when I was recording in a local studio. Other than the fact that he had a 6505 plugged into a Marshall 1960a cab and a Marshall JCM 800 plugged into a rectifier cab (which I made him switch the 6505 t the recto cab of course), every time he said something it just made him sound more stupid and arrogant, as it seemed he only wanted to brag to a bunch of kids about how awesome his Pro Tools HD3 rig was. So here is one of the conversations:

Me: (Looking at his Mackie HR824's) How flat are those Mackie's?
Him: They are not.
Me: Aren't the supposed to be? Isn't that the point of Studio monitors?
Him: No! The speakers out there in the control room (points out to a pair of Peavey PA speakers) are more of like what the sound is really like and the same as a typical stereo

At that point I just said, well thanks, I don't know that, and just laughed quietly to myself. I can upload the track he engineered mixed and mastered. All he did was brag about his rig. Particularly with the drums. He actually was doing checks with the drums and had just the overheads on and was like "that sounds good right, well wait until you hear when I turn on the close mics. *Flips them on, not much of a difference* "See how awesome that sounds?" The final mix the drums were like 90% overheads
Email exchange with what I thought would be a future client:

Client: So do you have Pro Tools
Me: No I am currently using Sonar X1
Client: But you cant get that professional sound without Pro Tools
Me: Ok fair enough, good luck with your search for a studio to record in.

He emailed me back and said I had no idea what I was talking about. You cant get professional results without a PT rig .... I just ignored the email.
thanks for bumping this thread, that was awesome.

I recently recieved some additional guitar tracks for an Ep "Dude these ones have the pinch Harmonics done better, I recorded them at home, I mic´d my buddy´s amp, they sound killer" The amp was a Peavey Valveking, shouldn´t be bad. Of course it sounded like absolute horseshit, that probably had to with the fact that he recorded it to stereo mp3s(??)
Man, good thing I read this thread AFTER deciding to try doing this shit full-time. lol.
I also had some bad suggestions by clients, but I won't make fun of them because they might read it here :lol:
Nah, some suggestions are of course ridiculous if you a thing or two about engineering but can happen to a non-insider..
there's no excuse for dumbass-egomaniacs with no skill at all, though.
Email exchange with what I thought would be a future client:

Client: So do you have Pro Tools
Me: No I am currently using Sonar X1
Client: But you cant get that professional sound without Pro Tools
Me: Ok fair enough, good luck with your search for a studio to record in.

He emailed me back and said I had no idea what I was talking about. You cant get professional results without a PT rig .... I just ignored the email.

And ultimately any idiot with that mentality should just go get fucked anyway.
I was informed that there was missing splash hits...

We recorded a real drumset, there were no edits or samples at that point they were referencing.

He just failed to play his shit correctly and somehow it was insinuated that it was my fault. :lol:

They also asked me to turn up the splash hits...

Which I sort of did with automation, but damn it was annoying if he wanted them more audible he should have RAISED THEM UP.
Email three days ago of a potential client:

-Can you erase the vocals of some songs I have?
-?¿! Well yes but it will sound pretty bad...

No answer yet.
Just a proof clients have no idea what you're doing:

I once recorded drums for a band that didn't want to use programmed drums, and the kit was sounding like shit (pitch black cymbals :ill:). So I decided to reprogram the whole drums...

Then the band came to my studio to hear the first mix and fix stuff they didn't like, and I had to edit the drums in front of the drummer because some things were not like they wanted...So at this point I was wondering if I should tell the drummer I reprogrammed all the drums because it was sounding too bad...But I took a chance and started to move the losanges in the drum edit window in front of them...Everyone still tought I was editing the real drums and didn't say anything.
My drummer - "Why don't you get Pro Tools? It'll sound better" :erk:

Argh there is this one band who everytime I have to do sound for them one of their vocalist is a little whiny bitch. "More highs please, no wait, uhm more hi mids, more lows, no wait too much, is the compressor on? try turning it off, ok wait no could you maybe remove some of the low mids? I need more highs, more volume please, it sounds too boomy, it sounds too thin, how come your talk back mic sounds better than me? can you make me sound like that? more volume in the monitors please (feedback!)" argh!


I love it when they ask for something and I do absolutely nothing and they're like "yea that sounds better!" :lol:

Oh, my favourite. Goofy vocalists who can't project let alone use proper mic technique, then complain about volume. Make it loud in their monitor just for them to hear it loudly and then sing quietly because they're afraid someone might hear them singing. Ugh.

Working with my buddy's band, their old drummer was pretty bad to work with. He was a nice guy, little quirky, but he just wouldn't listen to any suggestions about his kit. Wouldn't let me tune the snare to sound good as opposed to the St. Anger snare sound, and he kept giving me this speech about "drumming with physics". Great, fuckhead, you drum with physics, I walk with physics, I shit with it too. Got old really fast. Couldn't hit either, little baby blasts.