Dungeon Briz Show


Very cynical
Apr 15, 2001
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5 days to go! I have a few small requests for you guys if you wouldn't mind:

1) You must drag Spiff kicking and screaming to the gig if he won't go of his own free will

2) Timmy - PLEASE wear your Shit Happens shirt! It won't be the same without it!

Also, can you guys give us an idea of the setlist, how long you will be playing for and of course....


This is so going to rule, I can't wait till Saturday. In the words of cat from Red Dwarf, Heyyyy, I'm so excited all six of my nipples are tingling
*Starts off at an exuberant run, slows down to a jog after a bit, then starts walking slowly, looking for fluids, sits down for a break, looks up and can still see his house*
Nah, it's not that - just a matter of convenience and stuff. I've been looking forward to seeing Dungeon for ages, it's just come at a bad time is all.
Carpe Diem, young Spiffy! :D

Don't make me come 'round your house and drag you to the gig! Or worse, make me send Tanya around - she won't be as gentle as I am! HAHAHA!

Set list? Well, probably much the same as the rest of the tour I would say. We'll be doing all of the non-instrumental songs from A Rise To Power and a few fav's from Rederrection. Covers, well I dunno... (honestly, I dunno! We're gonna figure that out tomorrow)

And yes, the Shit Happens shirt is a goer! HAHA! (Damn shirt is more famous than I am! :bah: )
Originally posted by Lord Tim

Set list? Well, probably much the same as the rest of the tour I would say. We'll be doing all of the non-instrumental songs from A Rise To Power and a few fav's from Rederrection. Covers, well I dunno... (honestly, I dunno! We're gonna figure that out tomorrow)

Red Erection?? :eek:
