Ear Protection


I try.
Aug 20, 2010
Boston, MA
So I'm in a band as well as working on improving my recording skills.

now that I've been screwing around, I'm a lot more sensitive dB levels.
10x more sensitive than before. but I guess that comes with my ears becoming increasingly more sensitive to what I'm listening to and harsh noises.

anywho. I'm sure lots of you here are in bands or have been and I was wondering on how to choose proper ear protection.

someone recommended: http://www.surefire.com/EP3-Sonic-Defenders

I'm not to sure exactly what I should be looking for in proper ear protection.
anyone care to give some advice on how to buy good ear protection for those who both perform and record?
Honestly, I always just use the foam type ones that you roll up and stuff in your ears. I've tried the "musicians earplugs"/plastic/rubber ones but they always hurt. I never use them live, only at practice. (I like to have wide open ears when practicing/mixing.)
Go to the audiologist & get custom fitted earplugs especially for musicians
They are comfortable enough IMO. Might cost a bit though
Good idea to get a hearing test while you are there for future test comparisons
Go to the audiologist & get custom fitted earplugs especially for musicians
They are comfortable enough IMO. Might cost a bit though
Good idea to get a hearing test while you are there for future test comparisons


I've got a set of custom moulded earplugs with Elacin ER15 filters. Excellent sound quality compared to cheaper plugs, you can actually hear whats going on! I use them at practice, playing and watching shows, even doing live sound (though only for riding levels once I've got the mix together)

Cost about £160 and they're seriously worth every penny. It's awesome being able to play/watch a show and not have your ears ringing afterwards.
I have a pair of these, they were $150 USD including the mold appointment. I use the 25dB filters.


Don't ever lose or break the filters, they are fucking $45/ea to replace.

plugs like the link you mentioned are not comfortable to wear for an extended period of time (hours). I tried a lot of different ones before I finally manned up and bought the molds. The comfort factor is great, you can wear them all day without pain in your ears.
I have a pair of these, they were $150 USD including the mold appointment. I use the 25dB filters.


Don't ever lose or break the filters, they are fucking $45/ea to replace.

plugs like the link you mentioned are not comfortable to wear for an extended period of time (hours). I tried a lot of different ones before I finally manned up and bought the molds. The comfort factor is great, you can wear them all day without pain in your ears.

literally +1 haha
I've got custom molded Elacin plugs with 15dB filters. They're really really good; sound pretty much like if you'd just turn down the volume, the colouring they do is almost nonexistent. I also use them occasionally when doing live sound, if the gig's pretty loud. Usually put them on after the second or third song and don't make anything louder after that. I also have some christmas tree plugs I carry with me at all times, if I just don't want to listen to loud noises. They do dampen the highs so much that I'd never want to use them while mixing or anything critical.
Compared to moulded plugs, or even christmas tree type plugs, yes. They just tend to cut alot of high end and make everything sound muddy. Better than not wearing any hearing protection though.
I use the rubber "musicians earplugs" although I've been meaning to buy some custom molded ones. I hate the foam earplugs, they cut out all the high end and usually too much volume in general. I find I need to take one out to hear what anyone is saying, with the rubber ones I can usually still carry on a conversation with them in.