Edguy/Hammerfall/Into Eternity in NYC

metalsped said:
Cool. If you see a big goofy bastard in a PP5 shirt, say hello!

Evil said:
which one?.. i was wearing mine too LOL, Killer show Edguy stole it totally...it was sooo fuckin hot in there tonight.

muuuust sleeeeeeep

I know I saw atleast one of you guys! I saw the PP5 shirt! you may have seen My Sis and I Hanging out with Rob Doherty(sp) for most of the night .... well I was hanging with and she was Hanging off ... well they were hanging on each other pretty well really hahaha .... Anyways IE Kicked Major Ass!!! I sang and screamed every lyric to every song with them and Edguy fuckin Ruled too!!! afterwards we met up with Rob caught about Half of Hammerfalls set and went outside... once out there I Met up with all the Edguys! and had a great chat with Dirk and cracked some Bad Jokes with Tobias :grin: all in all it was a great night :rock:
Heavenly Call said:
I'll be hittin' up the Philly show next week!
Dark One and I will be there as well.

Here's what you do, about 5 minutes before Into Eternity's set, scream "Zod" at the top of your lungs, and we'll come find you. Or, just look for the 6' guy with a shaved head and a goatee, drinking black and tans.

Will do if we're there before their set...we may stroll in a bit late because we're going to try to hit up the metal store in Lebanon before. It'll be me and SoulsForeverBlack (who hasn't posted here in FOREVER!)

General Zod said:
Dark One and I will be there as well.

Here's what you do, about 5 minutes before Into Eternity's set, scream "Zod" at the top of your lungs, and we'll come find you. Or, just look for the 6' guy with a shaved head and a goatee, drinking black and tans.

Heavenly Call said:
Will do if we're there before their set...we may stroll in a bit late because we're going to try to hit up the metal store in Lebanon before. It'll be me and SoulsForeverBlack (who hasn't posted here in FOREVER!)
Cool. We're not planning on getting there until 7:30PM. I imagine we'll spend a good part of our night upstairs drinking, as we're going there as much to hang out, as to see the bands. I've seen IE twice live, and they don't impress me. I've seen Edguy twice. Liked them better as a #3 than as a #5. As for Hammersfall, I liked the first two, but the last couple have not been my cup of tea (to put it politely).

JonnyD said:
I know I saw atleast one of you guys! I saw the PP5 shirt! you may have seen My Sis and I Hanging out with Rob Doherty(sp) for most of the night .... well I was hanging with and she was Hanging off ... well they were hanging on each other pretty well really hahaha .

Oh yeah, I saw you then. I was not five feet from the merch booth during the Edguy and Hammerfall sets. Chatted it up with both Rob and Adam (probably wore Adams ear right off :tickled: )
I'll be at B.B. Kings tomorrow too, with Dave. Also in Philly. Hoping to run into some of you. Gonna be a great time!
I'll be there quite early with my girlfriend to do the usual Paradise Metal business with the bands, I will most likely be wearing my Into Eternity baseball shirt... If anyone wants to come by and say hi, please do it!
By the way, here's Edguy's setlist:

Under The Moon
Land of the Miracle
Lavatory Love Machine
Vain Glory Opera
Alien Drum Bunny's drum solo
King of Fools
Out of Control
Tears of a Mandrake
metalsped said:
Oh yeah, I saw you then. I was not five feet from the merch booth during the Edguy and Hammerfall sets. Chatted it up with both Rob and Adam (probably wore Adams ear right off :tickled: )

I saw ya standing there during Hammerfall and I actually pointed you shirt out to my sis .... but it didnt register :loco: Had I been in my right mind I would have said hi!
Did HammerFall stick around to talk with people afterwards?

It's like my dream to meet them, and they're coming here next Friday :grin: along with Edguy, IE, Killing Roots and Tempered Cast....

what should I expect going into this show?
Marleah said:
Did HammerFall stick around to talk with people afterwards?

It's like my dream to meet them, and they're coming here next Friday :grin: along with Edguy, IE, Killing Roots and Tempered Cast....

what should I expect going into this show?

you should expect IE, Edguy, And Hammerfall to Kick Ass!;) ... I didnt see Hammerfall anywhere afterwards but Maybe once they get to you they will be more social