Chef Metal
metalsped said:Cool. If you see a big goofy bastard in a PP5 shirt, say hello!
Evil said:which one?.. i was wearing mine too LOL, Killer show Edguy stole it was sooo fuckin hot in there tonight.
muuuust sleeeeeeep
I know I saw atleast one of you guys! I saw the PP5 shirt! you may have seen My Sis and I Hanging out with Rob Doherty(sp) for most of the night .... well I was hanging with and she was Hanging off ... well they were hanging on each other pretty well really hahaha .... Anyways IE Kicked Major Ass!!! I sang and screamed every lyric to every song with them and Edguy fuckin Ruled too!!! afterwards we met up with Rob caught about Half of Hammerfalls set and went outside... once out there I Met up with all the Edguys! and had a great chat with Dirk and cracked some Bad Jokes with Tobias