Education and such....


The Face of Melinda
Mar 9, 2006
So, I've been wondering about this for a while.

Where do you guys go to school, and what do you study?

I'm going to the University of Nottingham this fall to study history. What about you all?
i study geology at the university. I was thinking of specialising myself in mineralogy, or maybe change the orientation of my studies and so material science. I may get credit equivalence for some of the courses we have in common. But i would have to get better in physics in order to do that.
Ah, it's cool that you're so immersed in science. I was never any good at it! The only science course that I really enjoyed was biology.
I go to a community college right now, when I transfer it will take me about a year to finish my Bach degree.

Also, this means I'm probably going to U.C.R. as they have the best religious/philosophical departments in the area (and the west coast).
The Larch!

Ah, it's cool that you're so immersed in science. I was never any good at it! The only science course that I really enjoyed was biology.

Actually during high school,followed a different way, i had latin and 3 foreign languages. I had a science option at the beginning, but for the last 2 years, i was obliged to take basic sciences courses because i couldnt fit the other course in my schedule.
So now i had some problems with physics, but i am getting better at it now!

I have always hated biology. My favorite course has always been chemistry.
^:zombie: where did you come from? never seen you here before

I wish I had that attitude when I was finishing school :loco: Now I feel the harder you study the more work you're going to be doing at the end of it. So, to idleness! :kickass:

well I'd rather work during the night, getting up at 9 and working to five blows your day
I'm just finishing up my second year at Bucks County Community College. I'm going to stay for another semester and get some of the annoying bullshit credits out of the way then transfer somewhere good.

I'm a Theater Major.