Educational Television

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
What are some good shows along the lines of Mythbusters and Man vs. Wild?!? I don't own cable so I am oblivious to quality television. Give me some recos so I can track this stuff down. Man vs. Wild is gaymazing. :kickass:

Thanks friends. I LOVE YOU.
Bear Grylls (sp?) is an amazing man. I'm currently watching the French Alp episode available on youtube. I'm seriously taken a back by how brilliant this lad is. He's pretty much a true to life James Bond, with hotter dames.

Bastid makes himself an anchor out of rope that is as thin as shoe lace and a back pack compacted with snow, then flings himself off a crevasse with nothing but faith in his skill ensuring him that he won't plummet to his death.

That is just the tip of the ice berg, no pun intended. Ladies and Gentleman, we have found the ALPHA MALE!
Bear Grylls was in the British Special Forces, mang. There's ton's of good educational channels though. History Channel, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Science Channel, Military Channel, etc... The best one though is the HD Discovery channel, oh hell yes.
Has anybody caught the series "Planet Earth"? I've just plunged in to this 11 part series and am quite pleased with the hardwork that has made such a series possible. It's wonderful viewing animals you never seen before, shot in locales in which you'll never have the means of stepping foot upon. This is Big Budget learning mi amigos. I only wish I had a HD big screen television to watch it in the respectful manner that it deserves.
Planet Earth is the greatest show ever made (especially on a 56'' HD), with Man vs. Wild and Survivorman coming in at second.

Bear Grylls once rode a hot air balloon into the sky as far as it could physically go, then repelled down from the basket down to a table to was suspended in mid-air, ate a three-course meal, and then skydived back to Earth. Thus, making him my hero.

Survivorman is good, although that guy annoys me a little sometimes. The National Geographic Channel is general is pretty good, it's what I've been watching more recently when I actually get a chance/have the desire to sit down in front of the t.v.
yeh my buddy brought the Planet Earth DVDs over and i agree, there's some amazing footage here. these were definitely made to be viewed on a big screen HD. we tried watching it on my roomate's projector but the 'screen door' effect kind of defeated the purpose of viewing beautiful, clear nature pictures so ive been watching them on my 20" widescreen monitor. best nature series ive seen so far.
I need to buy those Planet Earth DVDs. I only got a chance to watch one or two episodes, but it was amazing.
Bear Grylls once rode a hot air balloon into the sky as far as it could physically go, then repelled down from the basket down to a table to was suspended in mid-air, ate a three-course meal, and then skydived back to Earth. Thus, making him my hero.

my hero is the person who took that picture of him. :loco:

that is pretty fucking cool though
Bear Grylls took his own picture. He had a Nokia 47 HD autozoom PTZ camera attached to a condor who he signaled to snap the photo with the tip of his champagne glass.
^ :tickled:

Man vs Wild = best show on TV. Did you see the episode in Africa when he casually walks past rhino, lions, hippos, and a rattle snake? And then he makes a fire with elephant dung.

I also second Planet Earth. Pretty sad in parts, like when the polar bear gets owned by the walrus. :cry:
The man is fearless bruddah. Did you catch the island episode where he builds himself a sturdy raft and sails to sea, only to be circled by a tiger shark?!? Even with this sea dwelling danger feet away from his limbs, he maintains his composure like a MAN!!!
Have not seen that one. Is this season available on DVD?

Did you see the one where he's in Alaska, finds an old rowing boat, rows out through icy glacier frozen waters, the boat sinks, he swims to shore.......only to do ten push ups.