Eggheadbangers unite

After long day of reading, it's time for bed.
@Ormir: Nice pics!! :lol:

Just finished "Den som frykter ulven" (="The one who fears the wolf") by Karin Fossum yesterday. Didn't know if it has been translated to other languages, but I rather doubt it..... But it was really great, and I'll read more books by her. She has many crime novels, but they are written from a psychological view, and are very real.
I aslo like André Bjerke's poems... Many nice ones. :)
Asimov and Clarke I agree with especially 'Rendezvous with Rama' and the sequels , and Herbert's 'Dune', but my favourite would be E.E. 'Doc' Smith's Lensman series.

I also liked Shakespeare's comedies, Especially 'Twelfth Night'.
I haven't read enough lately... but I find Kurt Vonnegut books decent abstract amusement.
I like the Poetry of John Keat's, and the fantasy "Riddlemaster of Hed" trilogy by Patricia A. McKillip.
If it count's I'm a fan of Edward Gory books...
Originally posted by TheRealLazare
I'm a bit curious about our fans' reading habits ("metal and literature - does it mix?"), so I'd like you all (or those of you who can be bothered) to state your favorite authors and an explanation of why s/he appeals to you.

Let me start this thing off with my own literary preferences:

I am a huge fan of Emily Dickinson because her pen hits me so hard (don't really know why - it just does). I enjoy the poetry of Lord George Gordon Byron as he writes so intensely passionate, and I read B. E. Ellis for his decadent portraits of the modern movement of urbanity. I read Finn Skårderud for his interesting and down-to-earth pieces on psychology, and I read Charles Bukowski because I enjoy most of what came out of the Beat-era, and I think he represents the best of it.

Now it's your turn...

Mikkjel Fønhus is my favorite writer.
I just bought 3 books yesterday actually...

Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground (already a hotly debated book here and elsewhere)
Lucifer Rising: Sin, Devil Worship & Rock n Roll
World Mythology, 3rd ed.

Can't wait to dig into them.
Originally posted by markgugs
I just bought 3 books yesterday actually...

Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground (already a hotly debated book here and elsewhere)

buuuuuuuu... shitest book ever!!!
Well, since the new Nile came out i have suddenly become obssesed with ancient Egyptian history. i have always liked Nile but the lyrics from the new cd made me want to do some research of my own. ;) ive been reading books from our school library-very intersting stuff
I checked the Lords of Chaos book out of my public library! Im from Fort myers, florida and thats where the "gang", Lords of Chaos are from. I still have no idea why they were in that book. The guy who worte it left stuff out, mixed things up, and interviewed the joke of my town. That guy was an idiot. I live in the most racially segregated city in the whole United States, its not a shock that people here are racist.
Jan Hermschen rewriter of Edda in dutch!!
Thorskegga rewriter of Edda, he is a thorist and he made it more onchristian like. (because the orignal edda is written on paper by monks and they changed parts)

I am busy now reading books about the kelts and vikings.
But I already read 3 books about the vikings.
Interesting stuff and I read a lot on the i-net
Originally posted by Vladimir
Jan Hermschen rewriter of Edda in dutch!!
Thorskegga rewriter of Edda, he is a thorist and he made it more onchristian like. (because the orignal edda is written on paper by monks and they changed parts)

I am busy now reading books about the kelts and vikings.
But I already read 3 books about the vikings.
Interesting stuff and I read a lot on the i-net

I enjoyed the translation by Lee M. Hollander, and his translation of Heimskringla.
Originally posted by markgugs

Well Eld, thanks for the, uh, review, but I'll read it myself and form my own opinion. :)

hahahaha... sure:p but i hope you'll agree with me;)