Eggheadbangers unite

I went to the library yesterday.... and as usual.. i brought home different books than i was looking for... now I'm reading: Anna-Leena Härkönen : Avoimien ovien päivä - of course in Hungarian ;)
I ordered a book called "JGTHM. Juhr Gait Tu Hewi Mettäl" ( :grin: )which is a satire upon Heavy Metal. It is said to be written by a Metal fan (probably essantial for the topic) and got praise for being extremly funny (given you can actually take it when he kinda makes fun of things you like). Should arrive tomorrow.
Originally posted by Gaunerin
I ordered a book called "JGTHM. Juhr Gait Tu Hewi Mettäl" ( :grin: )which is a satire upon Heavy Metal. It is said to be written by a Metal fan (probably essantial for the topic) and got praise for being extremly funny (given you can actually take it when he kinda makes fun of things you like). Should arrive tomorrow.

Hey...please tell us about the book :)
I`ve think about to buy it too
Originally posted by Shadowtear
Hey...please tell us about the book :)
I`ve think about to buy it too
It was entertaining and easy to read and since it has a lot of short paragraphs it was just perfect for reading in the train on my way to work or back home. It does have some real nice puns and all that.... but judging from the reviews I had read before I had somehow expected more. It's nothing essential in my eyes.
Originally posted by Gaunerin
It was entertaining and easy to read and since it has a lot of short paragraphs it was just perfect for reading in the train on my way to work or back home. It does have some real nice puns and all that.... but judging from the reviews I had read before I had somehow expected more. It's nothing essential in my eyes.

mmh... thanks fot the "recession" :)
Wow, I forgot about this thread!

For "Boss's Day," a co-worker gave me:
"Heavy Metal: The Music And Its Culture" by Deena Weinstein
"20th Century Rock And Roll: Heavy Metal" by Martin Popoff (an incredibly knowledgeable metal writer)

And for XMas, my father bought me:
"The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology" by Arthur Cotterel & Rachel Storm (very, very cool book about ALL the ancient mythologies, perfect for a Viking metal-nutjob like myself)
Originally posted by markgugs
"Heavy Metal: The Music And Its Culture" by Deena Weinstein
yeah, I have that as well. It was already a bit dated though when I read it a couple of years back (in regards of bands and genres etc).
edit: just realised that maybe we're talking two different books here. I was talking about "Heavy Metal: A cultural sociology" (from 1991) while I just saw there's also a book available with the title you mentioned. Didn't know she had written two books.

Another interesting book to read is "Heavy Metal. Kunst, Kommerz, Ketzerei" by Bettina Roccor. Actually it's more or less her dissertation in form of a book and it covers everything from where Metal came from to the image of fans and musicians as well as the business side of it. Unfortunately only available in German.
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss
It would be cool to hear a largescale soundtrack to Lord of the Rings all done in the name of Metal, with or without hoards of instument's.

I can suggest you:

Summoning - MINAS MORGUL
Summoning - DOL GULDUR (my favourite one)
Summoning - STRONGHOLD