I got the e-mail from Tabu Recordings this morning. It's a little sad, although I could sense something was up when they took too long in releasing their latest album and basically made themselves as unavailable as possible with regards to interviews. I've been trying to interview Frode since last March. He just kept putting it off.
Dream - I own all of their releases, and there is so much consistency that you could probably go with any, other than Odin Owns Ye All, which became slightly more mellow, acoustic'ish, and a touch avante-garde. Needless to say, their tr00 fans didn't likey, but I think it's brilliant and it touches much more so on the mythology surrounding Odin, the Valkyries, Yggdrassil, the golden halls etc. I have a review of it on RC if you want to scan through it.
Their biggest releases are Norwegian Native Art and Dragons from the North, but their latest, Blot, is probably their most epic, some of which sounds anthemic and at times even hinting at a Falkenbach atmosphere. However, for whatever reasons, I found it a tad disappointing. I think my patience in waiting so long just ran out.
By the way, not that I'm an expert, but the Forefather I had (and traded with Erik) sounded nothing like Einherjer. Einherjer's tempo is very rhythmic, at a marching pace...like Vikings landing their ships and heading into battle. Forefather was drum machine blast-beat war metal to the extreme.