In fact they work together thanks to Eiosis : Steve met him in AES years ago and knew him because of the original AirEQ (or whatever he was working on back then). They met the next day and started what would become "Slate Digital". So there is no breakup or anything involved, Fabrice has always worked from France in Grenoble (there is actually a lot of engineering going on in Grenoble, I know for example the Pianoteq guys are based there), almost exclusively concentrating on the coding and algorithms while Steven has been the Marketing guy, and also the one to more or less decide which console or unit to modelise (as in which model and which actual unit to sample or measure). I got this from a french interview of Fabrice two days ago on Youtube actually
There are programmer/audio signal engineer jobs advertised on the Eiosis website, while Steven just talked about how new guys help their productivity on his latest email, so maybe they even work with the same pool of programmers now.
For those interested they are working on an EQ controller (possibly midi or something) that is precisely the same look as the GUI, and would also work as a controller for other EQ. it will be pricey though, they said like 2.5k or something.
"The Eiosis team is constantly growing and is developping both the Eiosis products and Slate Digital products under one roof."

For those interested they are working on an EQ controller (possibly midi or something) that is precisely the same look as the GUI, and would also work as a controller for other EQ. it will be pricey though, they said like 2.5k or something.
"The Eiosis team is constantly growing and is developping both the Eiosis products and Slate Digital products under one roof."