DMG Equality- The last EQ you will ever need

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey guys, just figured I would share this. There was a thread about the new EQ for this called Equilibrium, but I figured i would try Equality out too.

This is by far the best EQ I have ever used. It shapes the sound in ways no eq I have ever used does. It will kill any frequency 100% (all other EQ's I have used always leave something behind) and it's ability to change from digital to analogue phase to linear phase is unbelievable.

Download the demo, it's 30 days for free, then buy the fucking thing

That it all.
What is the interest of Equilibrium ?

Equality is indeed amazing. It made me realize a few things I couldn't do were not because of me but because the more basic eQ I used before (I only used the waves SSL which is of no use for precise and surgical equing so I was left with basic stock EQs for anything precise) like the stock Eq in reap didn't do the job. With eQuality I get what I want right away, then I'm alone with my tastes and skills and not limited by the tool itself. It does what it advertises, if it says it removes X Hz, it simply does (I realized with it I could remove any ringing frequency in a second while it was a hassle with reaEq). So worth its price.
What is the interest of Equilibrium ?

Equality is indeed amazing. It made me realize a few things I couldn't do were not because of me but because the more basic eQ I used before (I only used the waves SSL which is of no use for precise and surgical equing so I was left with basic stock EQs for anything precise) like the stock Eq in reap didn't do the job. With eQuality I get what I want right away, then I'm alone with my tastes and skills and not limited by the tool itself. It does what it advertises, if it says it removes X Hz, it simply does (I realized with it I could remove any ringing frequency in a second while it was a hassle with reaEq). So worth its price.

EQuilibrium is basically the next evolution of EQuality. It does everything EQuality does, and has a million (*conservative estimate) new features that make it more flexible and versatile. All of the new features give it a much steeper learning curve, but it's a much more powerful tool than EQuality once you get the hang of it (which I own and love). Definitely check out the demo and DEFINITELY grab the manual from the DMG Audio site while you're there.
Another Equality user here. Try fabfilter pro-Q too, it's very flexible and it has an unlimited amount of bands which I find very useful when i got some serious shaping and corrective eq to do.

EQ wise, I find myself using Equality or pro-Q 95% of the time. High-quality products for sure.

I guess i'll have to check Equilibrium out but i don't think it'll be worth upgrading as i do all my midside and L/R EQing with pro-Q when i have to.