Eiosis - Air EQ is out

Equilibrium, ProQ are more flexible and probably more convenient for surgical operations. ProQ for example can get insanely steep HP/LP/Shelves slopes, matches curves, Equilibrium seems to fall in the same category, both can use Linear Phase or Minimal Phase, both seem to have been created with transparency in mind...

AirEQ can do surgical stuff too, just with a bit less flexibility but it seems more aimed as "musicality" than "technicality" and it has unique features like Air and Earth bands. It can be very transparent or very bold.

I'm just stating the obvious. If you want to compare side by side do it, you can demo these as far as I know.
As many other good EQ's, it's power is in it's special curves that sometimes easily get the job done. Moved like four knobs and received a huge tom sound in the mix. Almost imitated it with other EQ's I have, but something feels wrong (maybe I'm fooling myself).
the choices fabrice made in regards to the curves are different than other EQs, apparently you rarely need more than a few dB of cut or boost, so you definitely can't just match the values or anything, maybe that is why ?
Check this here out. The AirEQ behaves differently in it's Q and Gain relationship. It's explained on this site:


Personally I think it's an amazing EQ. I think it sounds great and I especially love the super intuitive workflow. Also being able to turn off the analyzer and the parameter value displays is really great since it helps to completely focus on the sound only.