Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Ok, I was wondering if my PC could run this game at a decent framerate because I heard that it's a fucking HOG. I love Morrowind and still play it to this day, but Oblivion is something I've been waiting for for a long time and I heard that it's better on Xbox 360. I've got a P4 1.8 GHz with 768 mb of RAM and a GeForce 6600 256 mb vid card. It's not the fastest but it gets the job done on just about any game...but I heard that it's not enough for Oblivion, hence XBOX 360 is better. Any opinions or experiences?

it can play oblivion on medium graphic. right now on your computer the ram and cpu is more of the weak link than the video card, but it should be able to hand it.

no matter what i highly recommend buying the pc version, because tes have such a huge modding community. i have over 500mb of mods right now and the difference is huge, improve visual big time and balance gameplay here and there.

also it would not make sense to sell out for a xbox360 for just one game. unless you are looking to play newer gen games, which will all be directx10, and would require a complete new computer. plus buying a windows vista to even be able to use a dx10 card, both which i guess will be very expensive.

let me know if you have any more questions about the game.
Oblivion is a fun game. At first I thought, it's better than Morrowind. Then I thought... hmmm well it's not as big as Morrowind. Oblivion gets older faster for some reason. I'm sure a large part of it has to do with the lack of variety of land and a not as big world. Plus I didn't like the equipment features as much as Morrowind. Plus the world just doesn't feel as powerful anymore thanks to the graphics. Also the caves are the worst flaw, there's easily not a big variety feel with the caves in this game (or whatever you want to call them you know what I mean by caves).

But these are the new flaws that come with the new game. I still like it and don't regret spending money on it. There's a few things better with it. The story feels better in Oblivion. I absolutely love the new monsters even though there isn't as much monsters in this game than Morrowind. I love the new battle system which was my favorite new part about Oblivion. Plus the chracters look hotter naked *blushes*.

So I'd still recommend it, just I don't like it as much as Morrowind. Not many games are like this that are out like this game.
Thanks guys, I just heard that unless you're running a dual core and have a gig of RAM then don't even think about buying it. I'm sure my pc wouldn't crash if I tried to run it, but I'd at least like it to have a nice balance between eye candy and frames per second. I'm also looking forward to NWN2, which the specs are a little lower for. Didn't really get too into the first one...beat it and everything and it had some really good points but I prefer the immersion of games like Morrowind and the new NWN2. Thanks!
it would be a commercial disaster if the game can only be run with dual video card. i can run it near maxout graphic with a 7900gt 25fps in the forest.

i thought oblivion was a hog and then i played gothic 3, if my $300 card cant handle it at decent speed, forget it, i'm not playing.

to improve fps, i recommend the grass mod for oblivion, i think the original patch of grass has 24 blades, in a grass field thats thousands of objects, the mod reduces it to 8 blades and still looking good. it also shorten the grass height, this is something very annoying about oblivion, the grass taller than your head.

i dont even consider myself rpg fan, rpg player here and there. but i followed morrowind lore closely and it remains one of the best and most intricate story. to me oblivion story and theme is just a rip off of lord of the rings movie. a lot of times i saw things coming. except for the paradise, which was well done.

there are things you will experience not offered in morrowind though, is the fighting gameplay, as an archer. its almost like a sneak fps. i have a mod that allows me to hide from enemy. when i first started playing the game (2nd time through) i found this flooded cave full of naked argonians and water tunnels. it was one of the best experience, almost Deus Ex like, i have no water potion or spell, and i have many near death experience and having to evade the argonians and doing hit and run tactics. being able to hit a deer from a thousand feet away from ontop a hill is also very satisfying. usually though, enemy just charge toward you and attack mindlessly, as your level goes higher, they starts blocking and strafing.

i think the battle mechanic is the largest improvement from morrowind to oblivion. more traditional rpg'er might not like it, but for a fps'er like me its very good, very seemless.

i also installed a mod that add unarmor skill, as the developer did not add that skill for this game.
The PC version is recommended, from me at least. The 360 has a lot of annoying bugs since they're still early models. Plus, unless you have XBox Live, you can't get the expansion pack coming out later this month.

Modding is another HUGE reason to choose PC over 360. And even if your current setup doesn't run Oblivion to your liking (in theory, it should run fine), instead of spending $500 on a 360, just upgrade your computer. Unless, I'm an idiot and you already have a 360.
No I don't have a 360, and I thank you a lot for informing me that it's not so bad. I'm familiar with the mods, as I modded Morrowind back in the day. I'm sure if I upgraded to a gig of RAM that it would improve somewhat. Morrowind runs slowly sometimes on my setup, and I was afraid that Oblivion would drag too. The only time Morrowind really slows to a crawl is on Bloodmoon when I have the view distance set to max and it starts snowing really heavily. The thing I have to check here, though, is to get it in English. Usually in Europe you can choose your language, but I don't want to buy something and find out it's in Italian. I prefer original language games, movies, etc., no matter what the language. I'm American living in Italy and sometimes it gets a little difficult to find these things because if you try to order something you usually have to pay an import tax which is more expensive than the article itself. Meh, I'll just download a crack, LOL!
I hear (just a rumor) that the new gothic (3?) when it come sout will blow Oblivion out of the spotlight. Anyone know it's release date?

Or this other game by the creaters of might and magic, whats it called?
Ehm, I need a new comp. Mine is as slow as a stoned slug.
its already out. not in america until two more days, but some people already sell it online.

in a way, no, i feel the game has alots of bugs and play very sluggish, not as solidly put together like oblivion, like literally. in a way i feel everything in the game is floating. like it said above, you need a very fast computer to run it even thuogh the graphic isnt comparible to oblivion.

there is a nice wilflife in this game, the world is a more dangerous place, and battling takes more tactics. i like these aspect over oblivion. it also has more intricacy in skills system, such as you can learn to repair and forge weapons, but you have to learn from other people, not just obtain it automatically like in oblivion.

i havent play that much so i cant comment on the story, the one quest i did wasnt bad. but i must say the quest notes is not very useful at all and if you play a lot you might have to take your own notes.

once they fix up all the bugs i'll definitely enjoy it, but not now. it feels different from oblivion for sure. in oblivion you're looking at the pretty graphic, in this game you're trying to stay alive. right now my hero is running around headless.