Election day

Wow. I hope you don't have kids. What awful people they will grow up to be with you as their mother.

Fortunately for the world she looks like she does, and no one would touch her while sober......hey....maybe thats why all those carolina rednecks are so into moonshinin.....
Fortunately for the world she looks like she does, and no one would touch her while sober......hey....maybe thats why all those carolina rednecks are so into moonshinin.....

this part of Carolina went for Herr Obama. i'm so disgusted. it's time to move to another red state.
That`s just what I have been thinking while reading the post. :yow:

UGH... guys do NOT understand!
you want to have clean, neat, proportioned lines in your clothes.

let's put it this way, would you stuff a midget down the front of your pants? i mean, how would that look?
this doesnt include ZZZ, who would, or Jost, who is the midget.
Don't have a union and I didn't vote for Obama. Try again nit-wit.

Don't play coy with me, Indoctrinator. I know you didn't vote for the Matyriya Buddha.

This is the Machtergreifung of the Obamaniacs who ruled YOUR goddamned teachers union long before any of us were born. That is, you wash the grey matter of your tiny wards with the mysticism of Barack Hussein. In exchange, they cover your ass every time one of the tots tells mommy you touched them on their naughty spots. Quid pro quo, byotch!

Don't play coy with me, Indoctrinator. I know you didn't vote for the Matyriya Buddha.

This is the Machtergreifung of the Obamaniacs who ruled YOUR goddamned teachers union long before any of us were born. That is, you wash the grey matter of your tiny wards with the mysticism of Barack Hussein. In exchange, they cover your ass every time one of the tots tells mommy you touched them on their naughty spots. Quid pro quo, byotch!


I am in not in a teachers union. I teach at a university which means the students are all of age. Oh yeah.....
Here's another heartwarming, southern, christian, republican rally! Contest# 2, if you find SueNC, you get a free Barack Obama action figure!!!

DUH... Obama WAS the terrorist threat and millions of idiots ignored it.

get ready for the BOOM!!

Have you been so brainwashed by the Rush Limbaugh set that you revert back to calling him a terrorist? Name one item on the agenda that is terroristic??? What truly bothers you more--his name or the color of his skin???

If the republican party as a whole did such a bang up job then why did they lose so completely? Why is our nation spiraling down the shitter? Are you just afraid that neo conservatism is too blame and cant admit it? Your party and its policies have failed you and this country
I was watching the news yesterday, and saw that the republican party is asking people for their advice on how to change the republican party, and to help make them better. The 8 years of "my way or the highway" backfired on them big time this election, so now they're desperate and begging people.

So far, Obama has not been sitting back & enjoying the victory. He's been hard at work assembling his team so they can work on the economic crisis. Even many reporters noted that and said that your average presidential elect usually waits a month to month & a half to start doing anything at all.

And with Sue's garbage that Obama is a terrorist? How is he a terrorist? What terrorists acts has he committed? It's really sad that people are still racist in this country. You'd figure after 9/11/01 that a lot of the racism would go away.
I was watching the news yesterday, and saw that the republican party is asking people for their advice on how to change the republican party, and to help make them better. The 8 years of "my way or the highway" backfired on them big time this election, so now they're desperate and begging people.

So far, Obama has not been sitting back & enjoying the victory. He's been hard at work assembling his team so they can work on the economic crisis. Even many reporters noted that and said that your average presidential elect usually waits a month to month & a half to start doing anything at all.

And with Sue's garbage that Obama is a terrorist? How is he a terrorist? What terrorists acts has he committed? It's really sad that people are still racist in this country. You'd figure after 9/11/01 that a lot of the racism would go away.

ah... yes. if i dont bow to the almighty Obama-wan, then it must be... RACISM!!
if i feel his policies are going to ruin this nation... RACISM!!

afterall, if you disagree with ANYTHING that a black person says or does, it couldnt POSSIBLY be because they're doing anything wrong. it can only be... RACISM!!

you're the people that cross to the other side of the street when you see black people, but because you can come on a message board and say you support one politically, somehow, you're vindicated and you're not... RACIST!!

yay for you. you're so evolved. :Smug:
Quit side stepping the question, Sue. How is he a terrorist?

he's fixing to wage jihad against our economy by enacting his socialist policies of 'class warfare.'
when you start taxing small businesses into the ground, until they're unable to hire staff or at least pay a decent wage, you bring down the whole structure.

he hasnt presented a truly cohesive plan for all those magic Obama checks he plans on sending out [then again, once he knew his nomination was secure, he hemmed and hawed and finally said he doesnt know how long it'll take him to enact his policies, so dont rush to your mailbox in anticipation, just yet].

i smell destruction.
he's fixing to wage jihad against our economy by enacting his socialist policies of 'class warfare.'
when you start taxing small businesses into the ground, until they're unable to hire staff or at least pay a decent wage, you bring down the whole structure.

he hasnt presented a truly cohesive plan for all those magic Obama checks he plans on sending out [then again, once he knew his nomination was secure, he hemmed and hawed and finally said he doesnt know how long it'll take him to enact his policies, so dont rush to your mailbox in anticipation, just yet].

i smell destruction.

That's quite possibly the stupidest definition of a terrorist I have ever heard.

Also, you obviously don't know much about tax policy in the Untied States.... so yes you should wear shirts that show off your boobs. You aint going to win anyone over with your brains.
That's quite possibly the stupidest definition of a terrorist I have ever heard.

Also, you obviously don't know much about tax policy in the Untied States.... so yes you should wear shirts that show off your boobs. You aint going to win anyone over with your brains.

our economy will most definitely feel terrorized.

now get back to your mailbox and wait for your magic Obama check to come.
our economy will most definitely feel terrorized.

now get back to your mailbox and wait for your magic Obama check to come.

Well, that wouldn't make him much different than Bush when he send out stimulus checks in the early summer and several years ago. Now would it? Personally, I am opposed to government bailouts to wall street and to them sending out personal checks. They should probably fix the crumbling infrastructure first.

You, however, seem to be only against things when Democrats do it.
when you start taxing small businesses into the ground, until they're unable to hire staff or at least pay a decent wage, you bring down the whole structure.

As some one that owns two business that total net near the 259k mark I will assure you that I need to hire more techs for either business I will do so because even if I do get slapped with a financial punishment for not having employee heath care then I will have to raise certain rates in to my pricing structure to adjust for those rate increases.

Besides ALOT of things can happen to the gross profit before it becomes the neat profit