Seriously, everything else is icing on the cake for me - Elvenking is THE reason to be there, as they're one of my top 10 artists. I love everything they've done (Wyrd is the lowest ranking for me, though). Put in a sponsorship bid for them, would be VERY honored to be able to say I helped getting them over here. Probably more honored than I would be for some "big" names.
I don't know if anyone else did, but you know how the video had the clip from The Divided Heart playing for maybe a second or two before the Elvenking logo popped up? Yeah, I was jumping and screaming from the moment the song hit (as opposed to the majority of the people I saw, who didn't cheer until the logo popped up). Not sure if any of you saw me (except for dcowboys, who I know was right next to me). I love these guys (and was quite disappointed not to be able to find any of their CDs at any of the vendors. I assume I was too late and missed them).
Can't wait. Everyone else on the bill could cancel at the very last minute except Elvenking and it'd still be worth it for me.
Not saying I want that to happen, though, as there are a few other bands I'd like to see.