I work in a little cd store and have been playing this cd a ton in the store and it seems like everytime its in I get people enjoying it and asking me who it is.
So....I finally got the Pathosray debut CD. It had one of those little paper spine covers on top of the jewel case with a text description on the front and other Sensory artists on the back. The description states "Recommended to fans of Symphony X, Eldritch and Nevermore". Would you agree with that comparison? I really like the sound of Pathosray, but don't find them at all like Eldritch or Nevermore, maybe Symphony X. Am I missing something?
I agree with you Diamond45, but there's a general problem playing progressive metal in the radio. This is thrown on the length of the tracks and specifically because many prog albums are concept albums, which makes it incoherent just playing a specific track. But anyway: It WOULD be nice if we all could hear more progressive metal in the radio!