Embarrassing situations

ok ANOTHER fucking embaresing thing thats happend to me... this was a while ago when was lot younger and pretty stupied.... my best friend and i were walking my dog and on the way home i was beingreeeallly dumb and yelled out "Oh my hamburger!" -calling my dog that whose name was hammer- and we were walking by these really stuck up popular rich kids(back when i actully gave fuck what these assholes thought about me:rolleyes: ) and they all just went completly silent and just stared at me... :lol:
Alrighty, THE most embarrassing thing happened to me about 5 years ago... I had lusted after this guy for MONTHS. I had spent AGES waiting for him to ask me out. Finally he did and we grabbed a pizza before heading out to see a film.

Anyways, during the film, I could feel the pizza swishing around and I really didn't feel good at all. I looked at him, trying to figure out how I could get out without puking or disturbing anyone, and he looked at me then leaned over to kiss me.

I puked all over him. I have never EVER been so embarrassed...
Originally posted by Bodomania
Alrighty, THE most embarrassing thing happened to me about 5 years ago... I had lusted after this guy for MONTHS. I had spent AGES waiting for him to ask me out. Finally he did and we grabbed a pizza before heading out to see a film.

Anyways, during the film, I could feel the pizza swishing around and I really didn't feel good at all. I looked at him, trying to figure out how I could get out without puking or disturbing anyone, and he looked at me then leaned over to kiss me.

I puked all over him. I have never EVER been so embarrassed...

YIKES! My condolences:(
Originally posted by Bodomania
Alrighty, THE most embarrassing thing happened to me about 5 years ago... I had lusted after this guy for MONTHS. I had spent AGES waiting for him to ask me out. Finally he did and we grabbed a pizza before heading out to see a film.

Anyways, during the film, I could feel the pizza swishing around and I really didn't feel good at all. I looked at him, trying to figure out how I could get out without puking or disturbing anyone, and he looked at me then leaned over to kiss me.

I puked all over him. I have never EVER been so embarrassed...

That reminds me about south park when Stan pukes on that girl..:lol: