Compendium of ways to deal with certain studio situations!

Guitar player doesn't want to do overdubs for quad tracking

Say: "That was an amazing take but lets do another one just to be sure"

[Hard fast rule]
Make everybody feel at easy when tracking. Be kind and supportive and use basic psychology
The drummer is hitting WAAAY to hard on the hi-hat

Put the hi-hat mic insanely loud in his headphone. He'll play softer for sure.

[Hard fast rule]
Sneaky tricks often do the job :)
Singer is a bit nervous and so is mumbling/no power in his vocals

put a bit of reverb in his headphones and crank the track so he feels like he has to shout to be heard

[Hard fast rule]
singers are fags
Some band's shitty guitar/bass amps sound like dogs attempting to fart through an intercom yet they insist on using them because its metal maaaaang.

Mic them up/whatever to appease their ego but insist on DI's too and reamp through sims later. It takes like, 5 minutes right?

[Hard fast rule]
Lots of bands dont realize how much they/their gear/their ideas suck. Get a backup for everything possible at every stage.
Your dumbass was retarded enough to not create a simple "hey fuckers, here are my rules" and they steam roll you with every type of bullshit you can think of.
Kick everyone in the nuts.
[the rule]
Always have some form of written/signed "studio policy" so you can avoid said bullshit.
Band sucks

Record guitars and bass yourself, midi drums, re-sing the song

[Hard fast rule]
If u want a thing well done. Do it yourself

Been there done that, they always thought they sounded better on CD :heh:
Band sucks

Record guitars and bass yourself, midi drums, re-sing the song

[Hard fast rule]
If u want a thing well done. Do it yourself

Funny, it's by far the most consistent and best bass tone I've ever done. :Smug:

o and midi drums: SO many times I will listen to rough drum takes and instead of editing, I'll simply program what they played.
situation- band memembers don't agree with your little tricks and glitches
solution - fight them
hard fast rule - DON'T FUCK WITH ME
situation- band memembers don't agree with your little tricks and glitches
solution - fight them
hard fast rule - DON'T FUCK WITH ME

Best to do the changes (monitoring through cans) while they're taking a break. You may not get the entire band on your side after listening, but all it takes is one to like it - so aim to please the band "leader".