EMG shootout at long last! (ftg. lolzgreg Baron K2 re-amps and Mesa vs. Engl comparo)


Mar 21, 2010
New York
Hey guys, I've said I'd do this for ages, and at long last here it is - my top-3 EMG rhythm pickup shootout, AKA the 81, 81TW, and 89 (thanks to Jeff for the recommendation on the latter, and it takes the place of the 85 in this test, as the 89 IME is basically a tighter 85). The riffs are mine, and I used my ESP LTD H-1001 (now sold), tuned to C# standard, which suited it beautifully. The strings were new, but stretched sufficiently and broken in so that the comparison between pickups was as fair as possible.

But naturally, I'm keeping it blind :devil: (though A,B, and C are the same for each cab). So without further ado, here are Greg's Baron K2 re-amps that he was gracious enough to do (and through two freakin' cabs no less :worship:) with and without the backing track I provided him (I'm pretty happy with how I got the bass to sound, though I have it low to allow the differences in guitar tones to be heard easier). I emailed Greg saying I liked the Mesa tones better, but now I think I've changed my mind and prefer the Engl in this case!

Engl Pro 4x12 slant mix:

Engl A.mp3
Engl B.mp3
Engl C.mp3

Engl Guitars:

Engl A Guitars.mp3
Engl B Guitars.mp3
Engl C Guitars.mp3

Mesa Rectifier Standard Straight mix:

Mesa A.mp3
Mesa B.mp3
Mesa C.mp3

Mesa Guitars:

Mesa A Guitars.mp3
Mesa B Guitars.mp3
Mesa C Guitars.mp3

And here are all of the above mp3's in a zip file (I find it easier to download them all and import them into my media player to quickly jump between them).

EDIT: And here are my Line2Amp/TS7/Krank/Mesa cab/57 re-amps (first cab I've mic'ed since summer '09 :headbang: )

Krank mix

Krank A.mp3
Krank B.mp3
Krank C.mp3

Krank guitars

Krank A guitars.mp3
Krank B guitars.mp3
Krank C guitars.mp3

And finally, here are the DI's/backing track for anyone who wants to give 'em a go! And an interesting note about the DI's - I first tracked the 81TW, then the 89; I made sure to match the input peaking level between the two (and the pickup height), but I noticed that the 89 DI's were much more compressed, and had much more audible clipping when played clean.

So I thought maybe I had just pussy-picked the 81TW DI's, and went back and re-recorded them (see my dedication to this? :D), consciously making sure to pick just as hard and consistently as I did with the 89 DI's. To my surprise (and ego-boost ;)), they turned out to be pretty much the same as the ones I had done before, so I guess the 89 is just a hotter pickup.
And screw the damn poll, just say which you like and I'll reveal, I dunno, soon :lol: Pickup height:


EDIT: And now I'm back to preferring the Mesa cab! Screw it, they're both awesome :danceboy:
Yep, same here. C is tightest, A has some nice girth going on, and B is kind of thuddy on the chugs.

Also: I'm going to play with the DIs... If I get something cool out of them I'll post it in this thread.

EDIT: What interface was used, and DI if applicable? I think these are the best instant gratification DI's I've heard thus far.
Same here C > A >> B

B sounds realy lifeless and dull compared to the other ones.

My guess would be A:81 B:81TW C:89

If the majority here is right, the next big shootout would be 89 vs. Blackouts vs. some Ibanez actives, am I right?

I'm going to mess around with the DI's and the backing track when I get home and see what I can come up with.
Mhhh... I prefer C through the Engl over A (and B at least), but I prefer A over C (with B at least again) through the Mesa... Guess A is the 81, C is the 89
C through the Mesa for me. Has the best of everything, tightness, definition, drive and the Mesa cabinet handles the top end that has always been the criticism of EMGs.
As promised I played around with the DIs and came up with this:




It's still very raw and I'm a mixing newb. Actually first thing I put out in public. You gotta start somewhere :tickled:

It's all ampsims and impulses and here I like the 81 a lot better than what I assumed was the 89(A). Interesting.....
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Nope its the TS808 + LeGion + Orange 2x12 2Mics and Mf400a Impulses.

I'm testing some EQing tomorrow and see if I can get rid of some "nasalness" :loco:
A - 81
B - 81TW
C - 89

That's what I think too. Also Baron amps are sick. I've had two and I have another on the way. I also did the website for him, great guy.
I think A is 81, B is 89 and C is the 81TW.
A has that 81 tightness, B is the most bass heavy and C is somewhat in between..at least that's my guess for what is what :lol:
I think all 3 have their strenght in different use / style of playing / songs.
But the difference in the mix is smaller than I thought it would be...A and C work better on that clips than B does imo

Liking the Engl clips more!

edit: Actually I never tried the 89 in the bridge position tho...so I only imagine it beeing a bit less tight than the 81...beeing more 85 likey an all.
keen to see the results!