Eminem kicks ass

Anthrax Mosher please just shut the fuck up and piss off back up yer maws c**t!! Im sure everyone would be extremely grateful

You have to feel for Anthrax Mosher; he has no idea how dull he really is. He thinks he's genuinely pissing people off. It's a tragedy.
Ozzbran said:
Yeah I can't stand all the current rap and all of the rich white kids throughout my school that think they are all ghetto and hot shit because they like it. Original rap actually had a meaning, as opposed to todays asinine "Money, Money, girls, girls, car, girls, money, car, sex, car, money, girls" formula for pointless thug crap.
Im open to the music, but it pisses me off that rock music is still blamed for all societies ills, when most of these rappers are telling us on MTV how they pooped a cap in yo ass for fukin yo momma and not paying the correct sum for said act.
But anyway, the only rap song ill ever genuinly like is Bring the Noise, boyeeeee. :headbang:
sorry, its supposed to say POPPED, but i thought id leave it there for those of you with a childish sense of humor :wave: you know who you are!
As soon as someone says something like "the only (insert genre) song I'll ever like is..." I just stop listening.

It's like waving a 'closed-minded' banner. It's pointless; no-one cares, no-one thinks you're cool for closing yourself off to new music, no-one thinks you're 'really metal' because of it.
Listen pal, I own fukin girls aloud and justin timberlake albums so i dont think I am 'closed minded', nor am i waving any sort of banner so stuff it up your arse. no offence.
what can i say? i liked the riff in sound of the underground. i like a lot of music (which would help as im studing music technology), but metal was my first love and to me nothing beats the sound of hetfield/ian chugging on the lo-E. And my BTN comment showed that. tis rap but chuggy. nice!
Ross___ said:
You have to feel for Anthrax Mosher; he has no idea how dull he really is. He thinks he's genuinely pissing people off. It's a tragedy.

You are a fucking moron. Shut the fuck up.

I didnt start this thread to piss people off.

Go fuck yourself.
:headbang: Eminem, do i listen yes. do i own it, no.

Preferred the East Coast rap of the early 90's....Pharcyde, Wu-Tang, Gravediggaz...nothin like Bang Your Head at 1000 watts shaking walls along an entire dorm wing...:D
Unfourtunately I brought an Inssane Clown Posse (no idea why).

It's certainly twisted, but they are purely going for shock value with nothing really interesting to say.............
ThraxSA said:
Unfourtunately I brought an Inssane Clown Posse (no idea why).

It's certainly twisted, but they are purely going for shock value with nothing really interesting to say.............

Imo ICP is one of the worst bands of all time! :puke:
So full of rage, so devoid of a way to express it....reminds me of being 13.

Don't worry Anthrax Mosher, one day someone will love you.

Ross___ said:
So full of rage, so devoid of a way to express it....reminds me of being 13.

Don't worry Anthrax Mosher, one day someone will love you.



Relax. You post sit like "He thinks he's pissing people off" but yet you are.