

original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
anyone into the world's most persecuted genre 'emo'. i know emo can stand for anything emotional, but i mean 'post hardcore' or whatever the fuck the correct term is....just started listening to At the Drive-In and Coheed&Cambria....just want to know what other people think like like like lid like lid
i really like At the drive-in, excellent band...did u get the Mars Volta schtuff there doin now, thats also great. Not too sure i know what bands are EMO so cant name anymore. sorry
i wasn't really into At the drive- In, meaning i never heard a full album. But there were two or three songs from their last album i liked. About Mars Volta, i listened to their first album "Deloused sth..." and wasn't too much impressed. The music is technically impressive and that, but i somehow couldn't get into it. In some songs i couldn't stand the voice to be honest, and at points the music gopt a bit too twisted for my taste. Still if i would give it another try i dunno maybe i would get more into it. Many alternative music fans seem to be very enthusiastic about it.
Hmm, Claire, you should try Dredg btw, no emo or "post hardcore", but alternative anathema like, hehe.
emo stands for some of the stuff I really despise,ugly people who think they're better than you and everyone else,but all they do is sit on the corner,look at the sky and cry for no special reason.And if you mix hardcore sound to this stuff you'll only get the most whiny shitty sound ever
_raven_ said:
emo stands for some of the stuff I really despise,ugly people who think they're better than you and everyone else,but all they do is sit on the corner,look at the sky and cry for no special reason.And if you mix hardcore sound to this stuff you'll only get the most whiny shitty sound ever
*laughing my tits off* that was pretty much what i thought for a year, changed my mind now though
if its whiny I love it ... at the drive in were an amazing band I dont think the Mars Volta have really come close yet since their live stuff is well shambolic most of the time.

Im ugly..I think Im klass.
you guys probably heard of a famous brazilian emo band,its called Dance of Days,I like some of their songs,but its an exception