

Sep 7, 2007
I'm getting sick of people calling shit emo. It's particularly bad on this subforum.

THIS is real emo. Not so bad, eh?
That shit that gets labeled emo would more accurately be described as goth-pop. MCR and that shit.

Also, emotional lyrics =/= gay.
People are fucking stupid. Every lyric out there has emotions. Emo should mean "overdramatic" not "oh you're in love" or something. I mean if I was a songwriter I'd write something related to love someday during my life because usually love is an important part of someone's life.

There's so many ways to engage people into calling something emo. Instead I suggest calling something gay.

...like Fallout boy is fucking gay. Fall out boy more like fall-on-dick-with-asshole-wide-open-boy. They sound like they're gargling dicks when they sing.
That's exactly what I've said to one of my friends before, just because they didn't like the "new inflames" then definitely they are emo, fuck off not every emotional lyrics that you don't like is emo.
Thank you, WeAreInFlames, for creating yet another thread full of meaning.


The term 'emo' has become so loose nowadays it's not worth getting bitchy about. Anders lyrics are more silly than emo, I'm not saying he has to act his age but stealing lyrics from the notebook of a 14 year old is not wise either.

The term 'emo' has become so loose nowadays it's not worth getting bitchy about. Anders lyrics are more silly than emo, I'm not saying he has to act his age but stealing lyrics from the notebook of a 14 year old is not wise either.

stfu his lyrics is fucking outstanding.
ffs, you really believe his lyrics from soundtrack through to ASOP are 'outstanding' ? How old are you? I wouldn't even class them as 'good'. Everything up until Clayman could be classed as outstanding, Reroute was OK, then you get Soundtrack with its' multitude of reallllly weak lyrics, come clarity with such great lines as "it's not so much the pain, it's more the actual knife, pretending the picture is perfect, i cut myself to sleep" ... heh .... and ASOP with "I feel like shit, but at least I feel something". It's sad to think the man who wrote Clayman's lyrics also wrote this trash. NFT.
ffs, you really believe his lyrics from soundtrack through to ASOP are 'outstanding' ? How old are you? I wouldn't even class them as 'good'. Everything up until Clayman could be classed as outstanding, Reroute was OK, then you get Soundtrack with its' multitude of reallllly weak lyrics, come clarity with such great lines as "it's not so much the pain, it's more the actual knife, pretending the picture is perfect, i cut myself to sleep" ... heh .... and ASOP with "I feel like shit, but at least I feel something". It's sad to think the man who wrote Clayman's lyrics also wrote this trash. NFT.

i'm just a kid :rolleyes:

i didn't say his lyrics were perfect, but it's also not as bad as you described it up there. overall his lyrics is good.
Mweh, Anders can still write some decent lyrics about personal struggles (for example Drenched in fear has some good lyrics) while others like Disconnected are fucking HORRIBLE.

It's indeed hard to believe that this is the same guy that wrote lyrics off Clayman.
I'm not saying Anders is incapable of writing good lyrics, he is, but to praise his body of lyrics as 'outstanding' for anything post-Clayman is just silly.

F(r)iend and MSS from STYE have decent lyrix, Leeches and Dead End are OK off CC, and on ASOP I don't mind Mirror's Truth, Condemned, Drenched in Fear or March to the Shore.... but unfortunetly in between these lyrics is sandwiched a lot of shit. Anders is what, 35? Yet is seems like he has dematured over the years as far as his lyrics are concerned. I mean, compare Satellites and Astronauts (despite its spelling/grammatical errors), Clayman or Ordinary Story with The Quiet Place, Crawl Through knives or Delight and Angers... they're all personal songs but the difference in quality is vast.
God the lyrics to March to the Shore's chorus just don't fit. Especially the "March to the shore.....................................You are a killer."
That just seems super random and out of place.
Weren't Rites of spring an punk band? they're not that bad actually, when i think of emo stuff i think of mcr and hawtorn heights.
This is actual "post-hardcore" - it's what the term emo actually means. It's come to be used to describe goth-pop trash like MCR, Death Cab For Cutie, Hawthorn Heights, etc. Fall Out Boy are more of a pop band imo.

Thank you, WeAreInFlames, for creating yet another thread full of meaning.
You're welcome. It seems to have become polluted with a discussion of IF's lyrics.

The term 'emo' has become so loose nowadays it's not worth getting bitchy about. Anders lyrics are more silly than emo, I'm not saying he has to act his age but stealing lyrics from the notebook of a 14 year old is not wise either.
If you watch Metal: A Headbanger's Journey (and you all should, best documentary on metal ever) (except Spinal Tap), there's an interview with Bruce Dickinson (if I need to tell you who that is, shoot yourself) in which he says that metal is all about remaining 15 inside.

none of this changes the fact that Anders has a HUGE cock
I guess it would be pointless for me to call you a faggot now.