Hell yeah, Pantera rules, brother! [/redneck Uhmerican accent]
Back in 2005 I liked, in adjacent order to those:
Dissection, Drudkh, Finntroll, Slough Feg, Neurosis, [uhhh... nobody sounds like Acid Bath], Fight, and Katatonia. Not exactly identical comparisons, but close enough.
It is very strange that I have always loved Slough Feg but didn't get into Iron Maiden until much later. I don't often make sense, for starters. Yes and I also loved Fight but not Judas Priest... wtf?!
I think the main part was me just being a contrarian a-hole back then, so anything that was even REMOTELY influenced by Iron Maiden I would dismiss just out of spite. I was on a very anti-tradition pro-progress musical slant in 2005.
Then someone played me Piece of Mind when I was 30 and everything changed. That was the real turning point, I opened up to all kinds archetypal heavy metal from then on out. Which again doesn't make sense because I grew up on Slayer and Metallica and Sepultura and Megadeth and Black Sabbath as a '90s teenager...............so it's not like I didn't like the stereotypical stuff before the aughts.
JayKeeley once told me I was rejecting my metal self, but that it would come back later. Once again, he was right.