Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse

Ron Paul is a republican who happens to be AGAINST the war in Iraq. He also wants to take care of his own US citizens before those outside of this nation. He wants education and healthcare for all. He wants to bridge diplomatic ties with allies and reduce animosity with the middle east.

He will never be elected as a republican.
Been listening to Anthems and Nightside a lot as of late, and Anthems is growing on me more and more, but I still don't think it is anywhere as fucking awesome as Nightside.

Into The Infinity of Thoughts = one of the best black metal songs ever! Every time he gurgles in the middle I get goosebumps! :kickass:!
Lunar Aurora is overrated imo. Great band, but they get fellated way too damn much.
Anthems is the perfect black metal album in sound and feel in my opinion. Where it differs from most black metal albums is that it also happens so damn intelligent in composition.

Having said all that, I'm guessing the genius of Anthems can go over your head if you can't enjoy ITNE at all..

EDIT: damnit stop bringing these long gone topics up, I'm repeating myself!
For those that enjoy this style, check out Zargof. I'm not just saying this because I released it. Their ep is fucking amazing. Sadly, I believe they are basically done. Nothing ground-breaking...just wonderful atmospheric Black Metal.

i believe i read a review on this one convivial hermit. very positive review
Anthems is the perfect black metal album in sound and feel in my opinion. Where it differs from most black metal albums is that it also happens so damn intelligent in composition.

Wow, what a big pile of crap. Anthems is completely disjointed and utterly devoid of any structure to speak of, something it desperately tries to cover up with bombastic aesthetics and drama, but that never works.
So, after careful study, consideration, time, love, and tenderness, I spent the summer listening to In the Nightside Eclipse and Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, a whole lot. Even more than usual I should say, and I've had them for 8ish years now I guess. Conclusions:

They are both pinnacles of not only black metal, but also heavy metal, and truly, music in general. I finally "get" why these are both heralded as true classics. I always liked Anthems, but definitely took issue with Nightside for several years, for whatever reason. I wouldn't consider either album easy to get into, and I'm glad that I stayed strong for the course! :mad:

Anyhow, I have a very slight preference for Anthems. Very slight. I like the flow better, as it is more consistent. That being said, Nightside starts off good but only gets better and better as it progresses, and that is quite a remarkable thing to accomplish. The closing minute or so is pure fucking glory.

ITT: I conjure conclusions that others realized by 1999. Also I like reading my old opinions that I now completely disagree with. Ron Paul? Really? :u-huh:
So, after careful study, consideration, time, love, and tenderness, I spent the summer listening to In the Nightside Eclipse and Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, a whole lot. Even more than usual I should say, and I've had them for 8ish years now I guess. Conclusions:

They are both pinnacles of not only black metal, but also heavy metal, and truly, music in general. I finally "get" why these are both heralded as true classics. I always liked Anthems, but definitely took issue with Nightside for several years, for whatever reason. I wouldn't consider either album easy to get into, and I'm glad that I stayed strong for the course! :mad:

Anyhow, I have a very slight preference for Anthems. Very slight. I like the flow better, as it is more consistent. That being said, Nightside starts off good but only gets better and better as it progresses, and that is quite a remarkable thing to accomplish. The closing minute or so is pure fucking glory.

ITT: I conjure conclusions that others realized by 1999. Also I like reading my old opinions that I now completely disagree with. Ron Paul? Really? :u-huh:

Ron Paul is still awesome and has been right about nearly everything for years. That is all.