Enchant In Oakland And L.a.!!!!


Sep 16, 2002
O.K. so this is ridiculously late notice but we have just now received confirmation on the Oakland show with Spock's Beard. Showtime is 8:00, doors are at 7:30, tickets are $20.

If you can't make it take heart...we will likely be back there in a month or so to do a live recording......KEEP CHECKING THE FORUM AND THE WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST.

Thanks for the info Ted! So how are you liking disc 1 of Testimony? Unfortunately I can't make it to either gig - I leave for the UK on Monday night 11/3 for 8 days. But you bet your bottom dollar I'll be there, with cam, for the DVD taping -- wild horses couldn't drag me away!

Take good care and have a total blast at these shows!!!!! Knock 'em dead!!!

Hope ya like all the pics! :)

To everyone else here ---- GO! GO! GO! Get out there and see these shows!!!!!!! You will be thrilled!!!! :grin: