End of the world on 5-21-2011?


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Ok, so I keep seeing these warning signs everywhere, and members of this church group passing out flyers warning that the end of the world (the "rapture") is coming May 21, 2011.

Seriously... who the fuck are these people?!?





This Camping guy is out of his mind.

What are all of your thoughts on this?
I love hearing him get frazzled at the caller's question. :lol:

Saw this guy about a week ago, Damn Christians. So eager to die and suck off some supernatural being for eternity. Fucking sad really. They really don't think this whole live in paradise forever shit through.
There are many other groups asides from Christians that believe in eternal glory. I'm not creating this thread to bash on Christians per-se, but just these extremists that take shit too far.
Why are end-of-the-world kooks given airtime in this day and age? Used to be you'd see a dude wearing a duck as a hat and a sandwich board standing on the corner yelling about the coming judgement, but now you can just turn on the news.

Edit: Oh, and Jevil, congrats, man! It'll be one of the best days of your life.
Great rebuttal, Jaymz! :lol:

Although I think this is more suiting... "Disciple" from God Hates Us All.

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Fucked up shit! Bitch tried to kill her kids and herself because she believes the world is ending.

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