"Ending Credits" Cover

the programmed bass and sytnh was nice. The ckean guitar was a little sloppy but ok. the drums aren't that nice. the leads are sloppy, sound like the guitar needs better intonation? But keep them covers comin.
Yeah, you guys are right, my guitar's a bit out of tune. I didn't hear it so much when recording, but now that you mention it, it's pretty off. I'll try and re-do the leads later today.

ggggggu: I've been playing for about 3 years.
How IN the hell you didn't notice your guitar was so OUT of tune? Whenever I pick up my guitar, I spend aproximately 10 minutes tuning it. I HATE GUITARS (INSTRUMENTS) THAT ARE OUT OF TUNE!

Any change you'd post that thing without the lead, so everyone could jam along the song?
OK, new version is up. It's at the same place, so get it there. It should be more in tune. Oh, and the reason I didn't notice that it was out of tune is that my natural...out-of-tune-hearing ability isn't very good. I usually can't tell if something is less than a an eighth of a tone out of tune.

I'll put up the lead-less version shortly.
I tried adding lead guitars to the clean version of your cover, but there's something naggingly annoying about that song... somehting that doesn't sound right until you nail the notes PERFECTLY and with the PERFECT tone. Nothing substandard compares... I don't know what the deal is, but I only get this vibe from Ending Credits.

I think if this was to sound any bit decent we'd need to chip in for a PRS Custom 24, get some GT-6 and a Laney stack, a decent record microphone and professional grade recording software :lol:. It just doesn't seem to work with anything less.
Heh, yeah, it took me a bit to get that tone. I would have recorded the rhythm stuff with an acoustic if I had one, but I had to settle for two clean tracks, one with a light phaser and another with delay and reverb. I think it turned out decent...Though it could have been a lot better. I'm actually pretty surprised at the quality, considering it was all played on a relatively shitty ESP EC-300 with EMG-HZs.

The song also sounds shitty if you nail the bends wrong, which I did for the first 20 takes or so of the leads. ;)
ahahah yeah. I usually have no problem getting the bends, its those damned vibratos for me... my guitar has a really high string tension and there's NO WAY I can get those awesome wide ones you can get on a PRS. It's just... you gotta nail like everything perfectly for this song to sound right, otherwise it all sounds out of tune and botched even if your guitar is in fact in tune!
Equipment used:

Guitar: ESP EC-300 stock
Pedal: Digitech RPx400, rhythm on "StClean" and "ClsCln", leads on a tweaked "Solo" preset
Recorded at home through the USB output on the pedal into ProTracks (software came with the pedal, though I could have recorded it in any multitrack software, really)

Drums synthed in FruityLoops using the "NaturalStudio" big kit all on standard settings. Bass synthed with the "BooBass" generator.
Updated version is up at the same place. I EQed the drums so they don't sound so damn bright. It's smoother now. If you want, compare it to the leadless version.