Guerrilla said:
He's also a my pals and a jew who likes to drink the blood of christian babies.
...your point?
Hey, how do you put a baby into a blender?
- Feet first so you can see the expression on its face.
How do you get a baby into a bowl?
-With a Blender
How do you get it out again?
-With Tortilla Chips
How do you get a baby off of the ceiling?
Take the nails out of it's feet
How do you stop a baby from crawling around in circles?
-Nail it's other hand to the floor
What's pink, blue, 12 inches long, and will make any woman scream in the morning?
-Crib Death
Similar - What's 12 inches long, pink, and red, and will make any woman scream?
-Still birth
What goes plop plop fizz fizz splosh splosh?
-Twins in an Acid bath
What's Brown and gurlges when heated?
-A baby in a casserole
What's pink and blue and goes "weeeee"
- A baby with a punctured lung
What gets Louder as it gets smaller?
-A baby in a trash compactor
These two are for Guerilla and LoM
What's white and bob's up and down in a baby's crib?
-A pedophiles ass
What's the safest way to play with a baby?
-With a condom
(you sick bastards i know you liked those LoM and guerilla)
And finally..
What's the difference between a baby and a styrofoam cup?
-A baby won't hurt the ozone layer when you burn it.