ENGL Powerball settings

It's definitely crossed my mind. About 20% of the bass part WAS done by one of the guitarists, as the bassist just couldn't do it at all.

The thing is, I don't really know where to go in terms of bass tone. I'm not a bassist, but even so I can tell the tone we tracked was ass, and I really have no refference of what to aim for.

I appreciate the advice though.
Yeah, there are a few level mistakes. The vocals turned out too present after mastering, and the ride just popped out as well, and the lead guitars stick out like balls. I went back and changed it all, but because god loves me, the project file corrupted as my PC shit itself after I ran my CPU usage cap. I have a project file a few saves back, so I'll have to rework a few things... probably after the guitars are re-done, because I'm assuming a proper sound will necessitate further changes to the mix.

I have your clip playing in winamp, and I have CJ's Gift of Ruin tune in a soundclick window.. and i've been pausing/playing/listening to them at will.

The two mixes are insanely different.

CJ's mix is fucking awesome... spacious....ambient....lively.... breathing....open. (but it has been waves L2'd to the BALLZ!!!!!!!)

Your mix sounds like pod guitars.. in the face.. very direct... straight forward.. almost like Megadeth or something.. not a lot of LIFE to the mix or
the song itself.... very little stereo separation or ambience...

Not sure where I'm going with this but... What an amazing difference. This is not a slam or a bonus to either cat.. just calling it like I hear it.

Your mix sounds good Mooon.. it does.. but in contrast to the CJ...
It stands to reason. I'm sure CJ has had a lot of time to get down guitar tones, and of course the music on those tracks is a lot better than the simple thrash metal that these guys play.

There really isn't any sense of space I CAN add to it... I mean it's constantly fast and frantic. I'll definitely revise the mix if we track new guitars down, but with the material that's there, I don't really see what I can do.

You can be sure if it was my own material that was being recorded, it would be a different story. Sadly, the idea behind being an engineer is that you record other people for a living, not yourself.

By the way, I appreciate the honesty, Ether. This time around there's been a lot less ass kissing, and people have called out mistakes in my mix as they've seen it, and whilst sometimes infuriating after you've spent several hours at it, it's a lot more beneficial for everyone in the long run. So thanks.
Moon.. I liked your stuff, but it was some pretty radical A/B stuff I had going on betwixt the band you were working with and the CJ stuff.. no harm done... no harm meant...