Engl Powerball Settings


New Metal Member
Aug 12, 2007
Bavaria (Germany)
Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone could suggest some good powerball settings as a starting point! Or has there been a thread already about that? I couldn´t find one! I´m using a standard Marshall 4x12 and 2 Sm57 for that project, but I´m having a hard time finding a good tone! If anyone has experience with that amp, and I bet a lot on this forum do, please give me some hints, how to set it for a good start! Micing it is less the problem, more what comes out the 4x12! Thx:headbang:
i don't have any settings.. but what works best for me; is to put every knob in the middle; play a bit and listen to what you miss or have too much; than twist the knobs until the sound changes to what you want.. and you get what you are after, hope this helps!
Definitely 'Open Mode'. Channel 3... I like the depth switch engaged. Cut the mids out... try to get it simulating a rectifier tone. Maybe track it a little duller than you might want, because that fuzz on top can get very overbearing on this amp.

That's about the best I've been able to do with the Powerball... the best 'setting' I can really suggest for one is to throw it in the trash and get a Savage instead, hehe.
Unfortunatly the powerball is a bitch when it comes to tweaking its kinda hard to quickly dial in a good tone

My current setup guitar > maxon od 808 > ISP desimater > Powerball chanell 3 gain 3-4, bottom off, bass 4-5, middle open 4-5 treble 6-7, presence 4, depth punch 6.

I also have a 6 band eq in the loop where i slightly boost 200hz 400hz 1.5khz i think the other 3 bands are left alone but id have to check anyways its only a slight boost but it does improve my sound.

This then goes into engl 4 x12 loaded with v30's and gt 75's in x pattern. The settings on the od808 are all at around 5 (12 oclock) except the tone which i like a bit brighter so its at 6-7.

The powerball sounds pretty sterile without a overdrive in front of it imho so if you dont have one get one it sounds a lot better with an overdrive much more organic well mine does anyway.
Definitely 'Open Mode'. Channel 3... I like the depth switch engaged. Cut the mids out... try to get it simulating a rectifier tone. Maybe track it a little duller than you might want, because that fuzz on top can get very overbearing on this amp.

That's about the best I've been able to do with the Powerball... the best 'setting' I can really suggest for one is to throw it in the trash and get a Savage instead, hehe.

I find that if you roll back the presence you can get rid of a lot of that nasty fizz and keep a solid tone oh and for me the bottom button adds way to much bass i prefer it off the amp already ahs tons of bass. oh and i think the engl has its own tone instead of trying to simulate a rectifier try to find the engls natural tone or dont watever ha ha
Hey, just tried a few of your suggestions, and I must say, with a Ts-9 in fornt of the amp, the low end sounds a lot cleaner, no more rumble without changing micing position! Also what I found out, is when you keep the presence between 3 and 4, and keep it under 4, the fizz-problem is almost no problem anymore! Also what I´ve tried the first time today, is to take an 15-Band and to clean up the guitar before it even runs into the amp! I don´t know if this is a common thing, but it really helped a lot! Had an Esp Eclypse loded with EMG 81´s, and after cuting about 6 db´s of 250hz and adding like 2-3 db´s of 400 and 1k, it was what i was looking for! Probably I will filter everything above 8k in the mix! I´ll post some guitar-samples later this week!
But "actofvengence" your settings have been very helpful!
another thing you can try is to focus the mids but turn the mids way back like 1-2 it should give you way more attack but its hard to keep the mids from being overbearing