England vs Germany

probebly the scores would be 1-2 or 2-3 to Germany.
England has been playing awfully, not saying that Germany wasn't, but still that's what i think.
sorry Chity but you can consider that war has been declared between us -once again - at least till Sunday evening :Spin:

and if we are true to history, we should also win again :devil:

seriously, england did play much better, but i'm not sure this is better enough to beat germany - i don't dare to make predictions
My honest opinion, I really wish there would be a fair referee who is will judge the game in a fair way, I hate to see soccer that every sec a whistle blows and he book the players and giving them yellow cards and etc. I prefer an attacking game 90 min kick ass match with marvelous tactics/talents:) Both teams suck anyway.. everybody is praising all these south american teams, honestly as long as they win they are good when they loose they do get emotional and loose all their personalities/courage being rowdy! I am just taking easy and watching what are the surprises ;o))
this should be a great game to watch

Shame about the Kiwis but hey Italy couldn't beat them

Totally! They played brilliantly, shame to see them go.

Germany vs. England...well both aren't playing up to scratch but given England's luck we're just not going to cut it if it comes down to penalties. I'm going to go with Germany 2 - 0 England :eek:
Well there it is. Let the England-haters be satisfied, frankly I'm tempted to join them. Improved but still poor performance even if we did score 2. Credit to Germany for being the better side.
Disgrace on all accounts. Disgraceful play from England. Disgraceful officials. I at least feel better that the Germans scored a couple more so it wouldn't have made any difference. Had we lost by 1 goal I'd have been furious!

It would be the sodding country I'm going to in 38 days, armed with English flag, wouldn't it? :lol: