World Cup

Yes and the thing that f**ks me off about that was that handball ultimately won Uruguay the match even though he was caught doing it and was sent off and Ghana awarded a penalty. I saw a similar incident earlier in the WC where Harry Kewell handballed on the goal line, and he was sent off and Australia conceded a penalty. It occurred to me that because the ball was very clearly going into the goal, and Harry Kewell's arm was the only thing stopping it, if the bloke missed the penalty then the team would not have the goal that should have been their's by rights. This basically encourages players on their own goal line to stop balls that are clearly heading into the goal to stop it with their hands, as they can gamble that the attacking team might miss the penalty. Put simply, it doesn't matter if the Ghana players fluffed their penalties. When Suarez was caught handling the ball, Ghana should have been awarded the goal and they should have gone through.

Of course, when you make judgements like this, you have to consider the wider implications e.g. while the 2 scenarios mentioned are blindingly obvious, there might be cases where you would need hawkeye technology to work out where the ball would have ended up if not for the handball.

So anyway, I now hope the Oranje hammer Uruguay and show them up as useless without their cheating striker. :)
Big congrats to the Netherlands on beating Brazil, even if it means I've lost some money! lol! What's a few pounds between friends right?

As for the other game.....well if you handle on the goal line....fair enough, red card and penalty. I always think with penalties HAVE to hit the target, at least make the keeper make the save. For me once it went to the shoot out there was only going to be one winner.

First semi for Uruguay since 1970.......way too long for a nation with such a tradition in the world cup....albeit a long time ago now
Hoping for more shock results and controversy as this tournament goes on!

Feel really bad for Ghana though, to be so close to making it and that happening...can't imagine how they were feeling last night and now.
I feel sorry for Maradona. Even though that man's done a lot of things wrong in his life, he's gotten everything back on rails now and seemed to be heading straight for the final. To see him obviously so emotional in his speech at the press conference. I'm amazed how he pulled himself together and I hope that he can and wants to continue his job as Argentinian head coach.
well-done Klose, Chity & Co:lol:
fantastic match - it's a pleasure to see football being so well played- i hope the final is Holland vs. Germany :Smokin:
Eh? I thought Dunga quit right after the match?

What he did wasn't bad though. Brazil won their matches, they just didn't do it with attractive football. People here in the Netherlands are complaining as well that the national team is playing too controlling, that the football they play is boring, but so far we have only had 3 goals against (2 of them penalties) and we've won every match. It's very business-like play, but it works :D
That's the bottom is business these days and everything is based on results. I guess the question is, is it preferable to win a tournament playing organised, tactical football or to crash out of a tournament due to over ambition etc

It's a bit like that in Wales with rugby. I swear sometimes the public would rather lose 34-33 than win 6-3.
It's not really surprising that when teams have a history of winning a lot of titles by playing attractive football that the fans of that team will take it for granted. Fabio Capello was sacked from Real Madrid for winning a league title by playing boring football! What would the average English football fan give to have a national team that just won trophies, however they did it?! Chelsea fans didn't mind Jose Mourinho's defensive disciplined football as long it brought in the Premier League titles! It makes you wonder why Real Madrid intend to sign him.

The football fans in the Netherlands sadly forget that the great Dutch teams of the '70s and '80s only ever managed to win one trophy - the European Championships in 1988. The best they managed in the World Cup were the '74 and '78 finals. Even though I think Germany have the best chance of winning this years WC, a part of me wants to see the Dutch team win it, just so they can say to the detractors that they won it, while the teams that played the pretty football didn't.

I don't necessarily like to see ugly football any more than the next man but at the same time the pragmatist in me sees that the winner is the one that gets the most goals. Nobody stands at the side giving style points. The spoils of victory go to the boring winner and not the entertaining loser (although it is possible to be an entertaining winner).
Obviously, everyone wants to see attractive Football but I think for any team winning has got to be more than important than playing attractive Football. After all, the chances are, if you play winning Football, it becomes attactive. Of course they have been exceptions, some of which have already been mentioned.

Brazil to me played the perfect mixture of functional and attractive Football during this World Cup (well, for most of it anyway!), however their squad had a weakness that I didn't notice until the second half of their game against Holland, that being that they had no decent impact subs. In that game they could've done with someone like Ronaldinho or Pato to bring on, there's also a couple of other younger talents that many people were surprised to see not included in his squad, although I can't say I know much about said players, although I know they are attacking players who could've gave Brazil a chance in that second half.

Basically, Brazil had 45 minutes of bad Football in this whole tournament and have gone out as a result. That's just what Football can be like sometimes! Well harsh for Dunga and his coaching team to be sacked considering their record in my opinion, although maybe the thinking is that they definitely don't want him for the next World Cup and they want the maximum amount of time possible to find the right man to manager them for the next World Cup. It's in Brazil after all, so they'll think more than ever that they HAVE to win it.

As for Germany, in the last 3 World Cups, people have looked at their squad and thought "pfft, they aren't getting anywhere in this World Cup!" and yet they keep getting to at least the Semi-Finals! Players like Lahm, Schweinsteiger and Podolski might not have the flair and/or high-scoring records of the likes of Ronaldo, Messi and Kaka, but part of being a World Class player is being consistent and reliable and in those factors, the aforementioned German players are certainly World Class.

Bloody well done to them for their thrashing of Argentina, I hate Maradona for so many reasons so this made the thrashing all the more sweeter for me.

Can't wait for the rest of this World Cup to unfold!
The football fans in the Netherlands sadly forget that the great Dutch teams of the '70s and '80s only ever managed to win one trophy - the European Championships in 1988. The best they managed in the World Cup were the '74 and '78 finals.

Believe me, it's far from forgotten! We're painfully aware of it, even :( But we do know belong in the top of the world, when it comes to football, even though we're such a small country. I'm hoping we'll face Germany in the finals, cos they deserve to be there after an amazing tournament for them so far. But after that I hope we finally win a world cup :)

Like a commentator on the dutch television said: "We're not gonna be world champions....we're gonna be Weltmeister" The dutch play like the germans did in the 80s, whereas the Germans are now showing what they called "total football", performed by the dutchies in the 70s and 80s.

The Netherlands should be able to beat Uruguay. Will be interesting to see how Spain is going to fair against Germany though. Very interesting match up to say the least.
No internet or TV for a week or so has left me in the dark with just a radio and rumour on the world cup front. I can't be bothered going over the last matches suffice to say well done Germany (my employers! I'm moving to Frankfurt to work for Nintendo in a fortnight ^_^ ), commiserations Brazil. Paraguay and Spain was a crazy match, Spain deserved it but Paraguay put up a valiant effort. Ghana really should have had the win too.

Really looking forward to the semi tonight, though they've been playing well I think Netherlands will win over Uruguay...hmm...I'll predict...2-1
Is it kick-off time yet? About to set off to party with some 40k+ people on the museum square in Amsterdam and watch the match with them too :D

3-1, with Van Persie scoring twice, Sneijder once and Forlan scoring for Uruguay :)

This movie's gone viral on dutch social networking sites, btw:

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Congrats Netherlands! I think Uruguay gave you a run for your money but you deserved the win :) Stonking good goal from Forlan. Bloody good Dutch goal too, then a measly dribbled in goal with a Uruguayan last touch and just offside, great header slightly from behind and then a well rehearsed late goal from the blues.

Exciting stuff to watch! Roll on Germs v Spanians ^_^