World Cup

Yay for France and Italy biting the dust. Oh noes for England - Germany. I just came back from Germany and let me tell you...WOW do those guys love football, take it seriously and celebrate enormously!
brilliant!! sorry for the Americans in this forum, but my heart was with Ghana

if this is of any consolation, just think that you went further than the French!!:devil:

till the next one US :wave:
Well there it is. Let the England-haters be satisfied, frankly I'm tempted to join them. Improved but still poor performance even if we did score 2. Credit to Germany for being the better side.
Honestly.. i am pissed:( that 2nd goal for England would have made a difference :) but why da fuck they don't have a 4th referee on the bloody TV premises to judge and give a signal like in cricket if it is out or not? Fuck FIFA:((( Germany was way better and England was great too, But we will see how we gonna play against Maradonatina on saturday:) Well the last world cup we've beaten Argentina and before the game i have acoustic gig at a winery and i will sing Don't cry for me Argentina ;o)))
Spain had 12 shots on target the score should have been more than 1! Was thrilling to watch. Another ridiculous red card from a cheating lying git though, there's been too many this world cup for my liking.
honestly the referees are putting me off this World Cup - Lampard's goal at the top the list, but also Argentina's first goal (clear offside) and yesterday's red card to Portugal

if it wasn't hard enought to play against the other side, teams now have also to play against the referees :err:
So, who other than me is looking forward to seeing the Netherlands finally beat Brazil in a world cup tournament? :p Last two times we got ousted by the Brazilians when we played them. Semi-final in the US in 1998 where we lost in a penalty shoot-out and again in the quarter finals in the next one after that, with a 3-2 defeat with the third, undeserved, goal in the 90th minute or so. This friday we're definitely gonna do better!
Should be a great game Cello! Unfortunately it's an afternoon match so I won't be able to see it, although I'll rush home from work and try and catch the last half hour or so.

I've got Brazil in the sweepstake at work so from a money point of view I'd like them to win......but equally I'd like to see the Netherlands do well too.
Should be a great game Cello! Unfortunately it's an afternoon match so I won't be able to see it, although I'll rush home from work and try and catch the last half hour or so.

I've got Brazil in the sweepstake at work so from a money point of view I'd like them to win......but equally I'd like to see the Netherlands do well too.

If it's under 10 pounds payoff, I'll pay you the same amount you can win in those sweepstakes or what you paid to enter, if you'll wear an orange shirt to work tomorrow :p
Ah well, I still hope you wore an orange shirt, cos we're gonna stomp those canaries in about an hour :D I'm off with a crate of cold beers. Either I'll drink to our victory or get completely hammered cos of our loss :p
Would like to see Ghana make history and at least get to the Semi-Finals, of which no other African team has ever done so, but unfortunately I think Uruguay are just gonna be too much for them.

Can't stand Portugal, the football they play is so horrid to watch, very glad to see them out!

It's very difficult to see anyone beating Brazil. They've got absolutely everything. Probably the best Defense in the tournament, a amazingly solid midfield with a perfect mixture of attacking and defensive midfielders and a target man with great skill and a great goalscoring record.

Brazil vs Holland should be a cracker!
Holy sweet lairy f***? At half time there didn't seem to be any way the boys in orange could win it. But they seemed to pull it out of nothing (with the aid of a few defensive cock-ups by Brazil). Melo's amazing contribution was the Netherlands first goal and a red card. Man of the match performance there. Expect Cello and the rest of the Netherlands to be dancing in the streets right about now! I don't think we'll be seeing him for several days!

On a sadder note, sorry you lost £50, Steve. :(
Terribly sorry we lost you 50 pounds, Steve, but we're through! HOLLAND! HOLLAND! HOLLAND!

I danced in the street, got smashed and now I gotta get up to catch the 8am train tomorrow to go to FortaRock in Nijmegen :p Wooooooooohoooooooooooooooo!

Edit: also way to go to Suarez for winning the match by getting a red card for a hands ball, keeping out a certain goal in the dying seconds of Ghana - Uruguay! :D